Bestecilerin Kendi Eserlerinden Yaptıkları Gitar Transkripsiyonlarının İncelenmesi

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In this study, the guitar transcriptions made by the composers themselves, which
are rare in guitar literature, were examined. The instances selected from such works
were discussed in the concept of fundamental principles of transcription and the
extent to which those principles apply to these instances, was evaluated.
In this context, all of the works that the scores of which can be reached, were taken
into consideration. As a result, three works that belong to different composers, were
By making measure-level comparisons of the original versions and the guitar
transcriptions of these works, their melodic, harmonic and rhythmic differences were
determined. With the guidance of the data obtained, interpretations were made on
the degree that the composers remain consistent with their original works.
In the end, the results obtained from the study were summarized in a general
perspective, along with the explanations of the results obtained in terms of the goals
of the study and suggestions that will shed light on future research.