Cemal Reşit Rey’in “Enstantaneler” Adlı Eserinin Müzikal Analizi ve Orkestra Şefliği Bakımından İncelenmesi

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Maktay, İsmail Kutay
Ambargo Süresi
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This review, the life of Cemal Reşit Rey who was one of the important
composers of the Republican period and his work called "Enstantaneler" is
revealed. Cemal Reşit Rey has composed important works by blending Turkish
music and Western classical music. He succeeded in reaching the public with
the works he In composed. It has given Turkish music a new contemporary
identity by presenting it in different ways. The style he followed made Cemal
Reşit Rey different from other composers. His work "Enstantaneler" which he
wrote as an impressionist has an important place for Turkish contemporary
music. In the first and second parts of the study, the development of the Turkish
Republican Music era is explained, in the third part, Cemal Reşit Rey's life and
musical understanding is revealed. In the fourth part, "Enstantaneler" is
examined in detail in terms of orchestra conducting and musical