Ar-Ge Harcamalarına Yönelik Mali Teşvikler ve Ar-Ge Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerindeki Etkisi
Today, competition among countries has increased with globalization, and besides cheap labor and natural resources, technological innovations have become an important input of production functions. For this reason, incentives provided by countries to R&D activities have gained importance. In this study, economic growth models based on R&D, technological development and innovation and the financial incentives provided by 21 OECD member countries to R&D activities were examined. Afterwards, detailed explanations regarding the legal legislation being implemented in Turkey are given. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of R&D activities and number of patent applications on economic growth. For this reason, national and international studies on this subject are included and R&D expenditures, number of patent applications and economic growth data of 22 OECD member countries for the period 1990-2019 are analyzed through an econometric model. Panel data method was used in the analysis, Pesaran CD cross-section dependency test, Pesaran Yamagata Delta homogeneity test, Harris and Tzavalis panel unit root test, Westerlund cointegration test, Pesaran CCEMG cointegration coefficient test and Juodis, Karavias and Sarafadis Granger causality test were applied. Since the variables used in the analysis contain correlations between units, stationarity tests taking into account the cross-section dependency were applied and it was determined that the series became stationary when the first difference was taken. In the cointegration analysis, it has been determined that there is no long-term cointegration relationship in the model where the number of patents, R&D expenditures and economic growth are included, but there is a positive cointegration relationship between R&D expenditures and economic growth in the model where the number of patent applications is not included. It was concluded that 1% increase in R&D expenditures increased economic growth by 0.11%. In the causality analysis, it was concluded that there is a bidirectional causality relationship between the variables of economic growth and R&D expenditures.