İç Mimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı Bölümü Tez Koleksiyonu: Güncel gönderi
Toplam kayıt 176, listelenen: 21-40
Kültürler Arası Proksemik Değişimlerin Sinema Mekânları Üzerinden İrdelenmesi
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2024)The presence of distinct expectations or the projection of unique qualities onto the living space by an individual, as well as the portrayal of such scenarios throughout history, is a phenomenon. The Personal Space Theory ... -
Barınma Amaçlı Mobil Mekanlarda Enerji Etkin Aydınlatma Sistemleri
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2024)Throughout history, human beings have needed shelter and protection against external factors. For this reason, primitive architectural examples from the past; structures such as caves, tree hollows, tents have constantly ... -
Anaokullarında Mekansal Memnuniyetin Araştırılması: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Anaokulu Örneği
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2024-02-09)This study examines Hacettepe University Kindergarten example and includes design desicions that needs to be followed, in order to make kindergardens safer, healtier, and more comfortable living places. In this study it ... -
Mobilya Sektöründe Faaliyet Gösteren Tasarım Merkezlerinde İçmimar İstihdamının Araştırılması
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2024-02-07)Design centers are innovation-focused research spaces that support the creation and implementation of innovative ideas created through the collaboration of various stakeholders. The purpose of this study; The aim of this ... -
Edebiyat ve Sinemada Kurgusal Mekân Üretiminin Yaratıcılığa Etkisine Yönelik Bir Yöntem Önerisi
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)Interior architecture, a discipline of creating space, has been intertwined with many fields of design, art and science since the period when its boundaries were determined and accepted as a discipline. Changes in social, ... -
Sinema Mekanlarında Atmosfer Kavramının Sinematografi Teknikleriyle Hareket-Mekan-Ses Analizi: Düşüş ve Büyük Budapeşte Oteli Filmleri
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)In this thesis, the atmospheres of cinema films were examined in terms of spatial formation. The intertwined and relational structure of space and spatial elements is discussed with the movement feature provided by cinema. ... -
Okul Öncesı̇ Eğı̇tı̇m Kurumlarının Öğrenme Alanlarının Mekansal Koşullarının İncelenmesı̇: Kars İlı̇ Örneğı̇
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023-12-25)Early childhood period covering the age range of 0-6; It refers to an important period of human life in which the child's physical, social, mental and emotional development is fastest. Preschool education institutions can ... -
Hibrit Çalışma Sisteminin Oluşum Süreci ve Geleceği
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)In social life, which has evolved since the existence of humanity, today's understanding of the concept of work is based on the industrial revolution. In the globalizing world with the inventions that emerged after the ... -
Katılımcı Mekân Tasarımı Sürecinde Sanal Gerçekliğin Kullanımı
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)Developments in computer technologies have affected architectural design as well as many other fields. Computer-aided design software, numerical simulations and virtual reality applications increase the speed of design ... -
The Influence of Computational Design to the Process of Interior Architecture Design: In Terms of Generative, Parametric, Performance- Based and Algorithmic Design Methods.
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)In Architectural and Interior Design projects, in addition to classical methods, it is thought that digital approach with extensive computer use is a need to respond today's advanced needs. Looking at the bibliographies ... -
Geleneksel Ofis İç Mekanlarında Gün Işığı Kullanım Performansı Optimizasyonuna Yönelik Tasarım Kriterleri ve Önerileri
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023-09-04)Sustainable building and energy efficient building design concepts that are emerging within this scope are becoming more widespread by using renewable energy sources as an approach that reduce the harm caused by buildings ... -
Dolaşım Mekanları ile Ziyaretçiler Arasındaki Etkileşimin Mekansal Dizim Yöntemiyle Atakule Alışveriş Merkezi Bağlamında Analizi
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)Throughout their existence, people have felt the need for gathering places for various reasons. In the changing world order, eating-drinking, socializing and shopping habits have also changed. Therefore, a need for ... -
Unesco Yaratıcı Kentler Kapsamında Erişilebilirlik ve Ankara İçin Mekansal Öneriler
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)In the thesis study, the framework of UNESCO's mission and program called Creative Cities Network, the United Nations' large -scale 2030 global development plan covering the whole world has been used for the study of these ... -
Kültür Yapılarında Biçim ve Mekân Analizi: Cso Ada
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023-06)Cultural buildings are the spaces which dominate and symbolize the collective values and relations of the society as public spaces where urban culture is shaped and provide an opportunity and environment for interactions ... -
İç Mekân Tasarımı Yapı Elemanlarında Biyomimikri Kavramının İncelenmesi
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023-07-22)This study investigates the methods of taking inspiration from nature in the design of indoor building elements, evaluating the techniques of nature, and the concept of biomimicry design, which means using the genius of ... -
İç Mekânın Çağdaş Türk Edebiyatı’nda Metinler / Mekanlar Arası Anlamı ve Temsili
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)What is the meaning of interior space? Beyond form and visuality, what are the factors that define interior space, that make a space 'inside'? What does it mean to be inside, what are the feelings of being inside? Do ... -
Psikiyatri Hastanelerinde İyileştiren Mekan Yaklaşımının İncelenmesi
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023-07-11)Healthcare buildings, which are the places where patients come with a hope of recovery, have the quality of conveying contributing to the recovery of patients with their design. When designing new healthcare buildings, ... -
Yapı Biyolojisi Kapsamında Enerji Etkin İç Mekân Tasarımı: Ybe Kadıovacık Biyo Evi Örneği
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)The concept of building biology, which emerged as an idea in the late 1960s, continues to exist as a field of science nowadays. It aims to design healthy buildings and interiors for the well-being of the relationship ... -
Mekânın Deneyimsel Temsili: Venedik Bienali 12. Uluslararası Mimarlık Sergisi Örneği
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)Doesn't the problem of representational mediums commonly used being more technical than experiential require thinking about new representational environments? Can architectural exhibitions, with their unique spatiality, ... -
Tracking the Development of Museums Through Italy and Turkey
(Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)Museums are the cultural structures that the historical and cultural values of societies are transferred to the future generations by researching, preserving, and exhibiting them to the public. The first examples of museology ...