0-18 Yaş Grubu Kız Çocuk Sahibi Ebeveynlerin Hpv ve Hpv Aşısı Hakkındaki Bilgi, Tutum, Düşüncelerinin ve Aşılanma Durumlarının İncelenmesi

Göster/ Aç
Berk, Okan Sabri
Ambargo Süresi
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BERK O.S. Investigation of knowledge, attitudes, thoughts and vaccination status of parents of 0-18 age group girls about HPV and HPV vaccine. Ankara, 2022.
The aim of this study is to examine the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of parents who apply to primary health care services and have girls aged 0-18, about HPV and HPV vaccine. The descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted between 01.06.2021 and 01.02.2022. The population of the study consists of parents of 0-18 age group girls who applied to Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Family Medicine Polyclinic and Gulveren Education Family Health Unit (FHU) outpatient clinic. In the population whose population size is unknown, the prevalence was accepted as 50% and it was planned to reach 384 parents in the calculation made with 95% reliability and 5% margin of error. Those who approved the informed consent form and answered all of the questionnaire questions were included in the study. In the study, face to face questionnaires were conducted by an interviewer. In the questionnaire, there are sociodemographic, health data questions, knowledge and attitude questions about HPV and HPV vaccine, and the "Carolina HPV immunization attitudes and beliefs scale". Statistical analyzes were made with the SPSS package program. In the study, 394 parents were reached. While 77.1% of the participants were women; The mean age was 38.03±8.79 years. 97.9% of the participants participated in the study did not have HPV vaccination, 1.5% had warts in their genital area. 7.8% of parents with girls aged 9 and over had their children vaccinated against HPV. Parents obtained the most information about HPV and HPV vaccine (37.7%) from web. While the average score given by the participants to the knowledge questions was 4.50±3.16; The rate of parents who answered all the information questions correctly was 4.4%. There was a statistically significant relationship between parental gender, education level, age of marriage, working in a income-generating job, being a health worker, total monthly income, self-assessment of income status, presence of health insurance, presence of chronic disease in the child, the status of having previous sexually transmitted disease, the status of having a history of warts on the body, vaccination status, the status of having all the vaccinations in the routine vaccination schedule, the status of having vaccinations outside the routine vaccination schedule, and the total scores of the knowledge questions. Participants who showed more positive attitude towards HPV vaccine had higher knowledge levels than other participants. Participants' the mean score of the Carolina HPV Immunization Attitudes and Beliefs Scale (CHIAS) was 34.76±5.82. There was a statistically significant relationship between education status, occupation, income-earning job status, being a healthcare worker, total monthly income level, age of marriage, having vaccinations outside the routine vaccination schedule, having their children vaccinated against HPV, and the total scores of the CHIAS. As the knowledge level of the parents increased, the total score of the CHIAS increased. Participants who showed more positive attitude towards HPV vaccine had higher CHIAS total scores than other participants. In the light of the data we obtained in our study, the obstacles to HPV vaccination; It can be overcome with adequate and accurate information, financial support and vaccination programs that inspire confidence. In this way, an effective community immunity can be provided by intervening with vaccination, which is one of the most effective protection methods, against HPV infection, which is a virus with oncogenic potential.