Dealing with Consumer Uncertainty: Online Consumer Reviews and What makes them helpful?
Online shopping has become very prevalent in average consumer’s daily life. Electronic
retailing comes with many conveniences for consumers. Being able to share information
about the purchased product is among these conveniences. This is done through writing
Online Consumer Reviews. Online Consumer Reviews can decrease consumer
uncertainty by providing information about the product quality. Furthermore, many
online retailers implemented a “helpfulness” feature to help potential customers find
valuable reviews easily. This creates an opportunity to find out what kind of
information tends to decrease the consumer uncertainty, in other words, what makes a
helpful review? To answer this question, consumer review data from BestBuy and
IMDb was scraped and transformed. Then the data was inquired in the light of Search
and Experience goods paradigm, Negativity Bias and Prospect Theory. Hypotheses
were tested by Tobit Regression. The results were both expected and unexpected. It was
found that information sharing for Search goods is very important and consumers need
more elaboration when a review is rated negatively. Additionally, reviews with negative
sentiments were found to be more helpful leading to the presence of Negativity Bias. On
the other hand, such strong support for Negativity Bias were not observed for
Experience goods. The implication of these results is that consumers should participate
in more both writing and voting reviews at least for Search Goods. This way consumers
can get the best quality products with respect to their budgets. Besides, this optimized
behavior might lead to increased social welfare because of the decreased information
asymmetry between producers and consumers.