Nükleer Santrallerde Yangından Korunmanın Önemi ve Compbrn III Kodu Kullanılarak Tipik Bir Dizel Jenaratör Odasında Yangının Modellenmesi
This study emphasizes Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) fire safety, and discusses
primary elements vulnerable to fire and fire accidents in NPP operation history
including their causes. Fire Hazard Analysis, which has to be maintained on the
design and operation phases of an NPP, is briefly addressed. Fire modeling; its
evolution and standing in the literature are summed up, with respect to used
approaches. Fire modeling code COMPBRN III, which is used in this study, and its
Hot Gas Layer Model (HGLM) are also introduced while principal characteristics of
room fires are discussed.
International Collaborative Fire Modeling Project (ICFMP) and its scenario
development process are presented and COMPBRN III is validated by using the
experiments of ICFMP. Structural elements and systems of Emergency Diesel
Generators (EDG) are also introduced and their importance related to nuclear
safety is mentioned. Potential Fire zones and combustible inventory they have are
described using a generic Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) data.