Süper Kritik Su Reaktörlerinde Alumina Oluşturan Östenitik Çelik Yakıt Zarf Malzemesinin Radyasyon Hasar Parametrelerinin Belirlenmesi
This thesis discusses the subject of Alumina Forming Austenitic Stainless Steels (AFA) which can be a candidate material for the Super Critical Water Reactors (SCWRs) fuel claddings. The literature survey shows that AFA has better oxidation resistance in air, water+vapor, super-critical water etc. when it is compared with the conventional stainless steels. On the other hand, there is no such study published to our knowledge. The main purpose of this study is the determination of radiation damage parameters for AFA by modelling the radiation behaviour and making a comparison between this material and other candidate materials. The acquired indications in this study states that AFA can be used as a candidate cladding material for SCWR when radiation damage parameters are taken into account.