Sovyet Karşıtı Türk Siyasi Muhaceretinin Mecmualarında Bolşevik Devrimi ile Türk Devrimi (1923-1934)
After the Bolshevik Revolution, Bolsheviks occupied Turkic countries which declared
their independence or autonomy. Thus, Bolsheviks occupied most of the territories
dominated by the Russian Empire in the past. Some of the Turkish nationalists who were
fighting against the Bolsheviks during this period have moved to Turkey and Europe to
continue their struggles outside the country. Political refugees from Azerbaijan, Idel-Ural,
Crimea and Turkestan have started publishing periodicals to announce their voices. In
these periodicals, we focused on the articles about the Turkish Revolution, the Bolshevik
Revolution and their policies. Through these periodicals, we studied how they understand
and deal with these revolutions.