Çorum Âşık Müziğindeki Müzik Bileşenleri

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Aygün Albayrak, Görkem
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There is a rich accumulation of folk music in Çorum as in many regions of Anatolia. Çorum region hosts both anonymous Central Anatolian folk songs and âşık music. Âşık music is a branch of oral culture that has been carried from ancient times to the present, and is a traditional music that is passed on to future generations through the master-apprentice relationship. Although it shows similar formal features in terms of its general structure, it also shows differences from region to region. In the first part of the study, culture, folk music and âşık music are summarized in a general framework.
In the second part, information about Çorum, which is the region of the study, is given and the âşık music of Çorum, which is the main subject of the study, is examined. Three works by ten âşıklar who grew up in the Çorum region; analyzed with sub-titles such as poetry, mode, course, measure. As a result of these analyzes, the common elements used in Çorum âşık music were tried to be determined, and the musical elements of the region were revealed. It has been determined that âşıklar who grew up in the same geography were influenced by each other and produced works with similar musical characteristics.