68 Hareketi ve Türkiye’de Müzikal Değişim: 1961-1980 Yılları Arasında Popüler Müzik

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Işık Dursun, Zeynep Işıl
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This thesis deals with the reflections of the 68 Movement on the popular music of Turkey between the years 1961 and 1980, the period in which political discourse in popular music was most visible. The first part of the thesis comparatively narrates youth cultures and countercultures shaped in the post-World War II conjuncture and in which the 68 Movement has emerged. This chapter also investigates the interactions of popular music - which had an important place in the youth culture of the period - and the 68 Movement. Finally, the basic framework, theoretical foundations and progressions of the 68 Movement around the world are drawn. The second part of the thesis outlines the cultural policies that played an active role in shaping popular music in Turkey between 1961 and 1980. In the third chapter, the foundations of the 68 Movement in Turkey, its prominent images, the social-based gender of the movement, and the progression of the movement are presented in a chronological manner using first-hand sources and anecdotes. The last chapter of the thesis, "The Effects of the 68 Movement on Popular Music in Turkey between 1961-1980", deals with the critical and/or dissident popular music pieces published in Turkey between 1961-1980, in terms of their lyrical characteristics as well as their visual, auditory and structural rhetorical features. These musical pieces are analyzed under the titles "Class Issues, Economy, Poverty and Deprivation", "Rebellion, Hope and Narrating the Revolution with Songs", "National Emotions", "Social Criticism" and "Social Memory". In addition to these, issues that existed in the 68 Movement in Western countries, but whose traces are not encountered in Turkey (except for a few examples), are mentioned under the title "Traces of Invisible Issues...". Under this title; the traces of gender, racism and environmental issues are quested and analyzed.
IŞIK DURSUN, Zeynep Işıl. 68 Hareketi ve Türkiye’de Müzikal Değişim: 1961-1980 Yılları Arasında Popüler Müzik, Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, 2022.İlgili öğeler
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