L-Tzf Membranların Mekanik Özelliklerinin Geliştirilmesi, Degradasyon Süresinin Azaltılması: In-Vıtro Çalışma
Yılmaz Erol, S.B. Enhancing the mechanical properties and decreasing the degradation rate of L-PRF membranes: An In-Vitro study. Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry
In this study, Genipin and Ankaferd Blood Stopper (ABS), which are natural crosslinking agents, were used to increase the crosslinking between fibrin fibers of L-PRF, thereby increasing its physical strength and reducing the degradation rate. After collecting two tubes of blood from 25 patients, it was centrifuged for 10 minutes with a centrifuge device (3000 rpm). The obtained L-PRFs were turned into membranes using the PRF Box. Three groups were established, the first Genipin, the second ABS, and the third control group. Each group contains 4 ml of solution; The solution of the first group contains 1% genipin solution, the second group contains 10% Ankaferd solution, and lastly, the solution containing only 70% ethanol in the control group. Samples were kept in these prepared solutions for 48 hours. For the degradation test, 15 of the membranes were kept in 500 µl of 0.01% trypsin solution for 3 more days at 37°C. The amount of degradation was calculated over the mass change at the end of the 3rd day. 18 samples were used in the tensile test, tensile force was applied to the membranes at a speed of 20 min/mm using the ZwickRoell Mechanical Testing machine; Emod, Fmaks., Fkopma, percent of elongation in the membranes was measured. The amount of crosslinking was measured in 9 samples under UV-Spectrophotometric examination. 3 samples were examined under a Scanning Electron Microscope and images were taken at x10k and x25kk magnifications. When the mass loss averages of the groups were compared, it was determined that Genipin and ABS reduced the degradation of L-PRF statistically significantly (p<0.005). According to the result of the mechanical test, a statistically significant (p<0.005) increase was observed in the genipin and ABS groups compared to the control group. When the amount of crosslinking occurred in the membranes was examined, it was found as 90.4% increase in cross linking in the ABS group and 47.08% increase in the Genipin group. It was determined that the difference between the groups was statistically significantly different (p<0.005), and both materials increased the amount of crosslinking. In the images taken under Scanning Electron Microscopy of Genipin and ABS groups, it was determined that both materials increased the amount of crosslinking between fibrin fibers. To conclude, it was determined that genipin and ABS material increased the physical bond by establishing a cross-link between the fibrin fibers of the L-PRF membrane, and as a result, it decreased the degradation rate by increasing the physical strength of the material.
Keywords: L-PRF, degradation, mechanical strength, Genipin, Ankaferd