Polygala L. (Polygalaceae) Cinsinde Karşılaştırmalı Embriyolojik Araştırma
This research covers the embryological, morphological and micromorphological study of
the flower buds of P. monspeliaca L., P. turcica Dönmez & Uğurlu, P. anatolica Boiss.
& Heldr. and P. vulgaris L. species belonging to the Polygalaceae family naturally
distributed in Turkey. With these studies, it is aimed to reveal the relationship between
the morphological characteristics and embryological characteristics of the target Polygala
species, to examine the embryological development of the species in field samples, and
to clarify the relationship between embryology and flower morphology. In addition, it
was aimed to provide novel data for the reproductive characteristics of the breed by
conducting micromorphological studies. In the sections taken from different flower buds,
the ovules were formed in an orthotropic (atrop) manner, it was determined that it had
two integuments, bitegmic (double integument), and the ovules appeared crassinucellate
type. Additionally, it was determined that antipodals were lost early in the development
of the polygonum-type embryo sac. As a result of these studies, it was determined that
the species compared did not differ in terms of embryology. In scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) and stereo microscopy examinations, many irregular indented and
protruding sections are formed on the petal surface, and it was determined that the cuticle
density increases as the developmental stages were completed. In our stereo studies, it
was observed that the stigma lobes appeared separate, the filaments of the stamens
developed within the sheath adherent to the corolla lobes, and the styluses were greatly
elongated during the developmental stages of the buds. There was no significant
difference between species in terms of morphology and embryology. As a result of the
study, the embryological development and characteristics of some Polygala species in
Turkey were studied for the first time and data were provided for comparative systematic
studies among related subspecies.