In this study, there is a presentation of an analysis by its composer in terms of composition technique along with the historical development process and structural evolution of one of the most important symphonic-instrumental genres of Western music, the concerto genre, for the work named Cello Concerto, which was composed as an artwork for proficiency in art by the author of this study. As a result of the small number of academic works in which composers analyze their own works in a technical perspective, it is seen that there is a serious need for similar studies to make up this deficiency in the technical and theoretical reference area. Therefore, it is thought that this study could be an assisting reference and a guiding example in overcoming the difficulties that may be encountered during the authoring process in similar studies to be conducted for the same purpose and direction. In the study, the development and evolution of the concerto genre from the Baroque period to the extant are explained in a historical presentation frame; the form, structure and stylistic features of the genre are discussed with the data obtained from the examples in the transition period from ritornello to sonata-allegro form and various applications of the concertante concept. Considering these data, in the analysis of the Cello Concerto, which was composed by the author of this study; along with the use of the concertante concept, the elements of form structure such as themes, figures, phrases and periods used in the work are described in detail on excerpts from the reduced score of the work by classifying them according to their intended use.
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