This master thesis focuses on the process of disidentification. It analyses the extinguishment of socially constructed gender roles. In so doing, it explores the art production and art practices with respect to the concept of ‘body’. To interrogate the subject, the study draws on the socially constructed gender roles attributed to body in the broad field of visual arts, feminist art, LGBT culture accordingly queer theory and queer art. Furthermore, under the scope of this thesis, gradually divided sexual identity and art practices focusing on sexual orientation have been interpreted. While the already existing literature have discussed how the socially constructed gender roles harm individuals and their personal rights, this study discusses the idealization of the body in 19th century European art and the interpretation of the female body by "masculine high art" through erotic productions. In the meantime, this thesis also focuses on the idealization of the body under the great influence of contemporary production, which stemmed from the post-1970 feminist art movement. Finally, the thesis associates the literature on fluid sex with the personal art practice and supports it with self-produced art pieces.
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