Okul Çağındaki Serebral Palsili Ergenlerde Fonksiyonel Durumun ve Yaşam Kalitesinin Belirlenmesinde Ergen, Ebeveyn ve Fizyoterapist Arasındaki Uyumun İncelenmesi
The aim of this study was to examine agreement between the functional status and quality of life determined by children, family and physiotherapists in adolescents with CP. For this purpose, 97 children with CP, who were between 11 and 18 years of age and who had good communication and cognitive skills; and their parents and physiotherapists were included in this study. The functional status of adolescents was evaluated using functional classification systems developed to classify the children with CP using gross motor, manual skills, communication skills, eating and drinking skills and walking functions. During the research, each participant was interviewed alone. Functional classification systems and the differences between the levels of the classification systems were explained by the researcher physiotherapist. According to the data obtained, it was seen that there was a significant agreement between the functional status determined by the child, family and physiotherapist (p <0.05). While this agreement was high on the gross motor function, it was observed that it was moderate or less on other functions. Children reported higher functional status than the family and physiotherapist reported. There was a perfect agreement between the quality of life measurements between the values determined by the child, family and physiotherapist (p <0.05). In pain and fatigue sections, which are the subparameters of quality of life measurements, it was observed that the agreement decreased between the groups. Therefore, examining the agreement between the functional status and quality of life determined by the child, family and physiotherapist will be a guide when managing the physiotherapy program.