18. Yüzyılın İlk Yarısında Konya
KAYNAKCI, Ahmet Gökhan, Konya in The First Half of the 18th Century, PhD Thesis, Ankara, 2020.
This thesis is composed of 3 chapters, which focus on political, administrative, physical structures and social life of Konya, in the first half of the 18th century. The main sources of the thesis are archival documents. In this context, main subjects of the first chapter are; political landscape of the Ottoman Empire, its reflections on Konya and administrative structure of Karaman Province and Konya in the first half of the 18th century. Locations of administrative buildings in city of Konya, which was administrative center of Karaman Province, are also presented in this chapter.
The second chapter sheds the light on physical and demographical structure of Konya and its surrounding in the first half of the 18th century. In this chapter, physical structure and settlements of Konya city, are studied under 3 sections which are; “Inner Citadel”, “Bailey and Outer Part of the City Walls”. In addition to these sections; by locating vineyards, orchards and water supplies of the city, detailed information is ascertained about physical structure and settlements of Konya and its surrounding in the first half of the 18th century. Under the section entitled as “Demography”, at first, methods and numeric values that are used for calculating and defining the population are determined. Afterwards population data of Konya in the first half of the 18th century are analysed and compared with population data of 16th and 17th centuries. Lastly, population data of non-muslim community and factors, which were influencing the population, focused on in this chapter.
The third chapter focuses on “Social Life”. In the first 3 sections of this chapter; urban counsciousness of Konya inhabitants, effects of social norms to neighbourhood experience and the role of public sphere and spaces are analysed in detail. Under the section of “Female-Male Relations”; cohabitation, abuse, engagement, marriage and divorce subjects are reviewed. Analysis related to daily life of Konya inhabitants are studied in 3 sections as “Men in Daily Life, “Women in Daily Life” and “Children in Daily Life”. Konya inhabitants who acted against social rules are defined and studied as “Troublesome Men” and “Troublesome Women”. Places where these “Troublesome Inhabitants” were socialized are considered under the section of “Inconvenient Places”. Diseases, which were seen in Konya and their recovery processes are considered in the section of “Health Problems”.