Penn Dinsel Obsesyonlar Envanteri’nin Türkçe Formunun Psikometrik Özelliklerinin Değerlendirilmesi
Objective: The Penn Inventory of Scrupulosity (PIOS) was developed by Abramowitz and his colleagues (2002) to evaluate the severity of scrupulosity symptoms as a dimension of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The aim of the present study was to adapt the PIOS into the Turkish and evaluate its psychometric properties in a university student sample. Method: The sample of the present study was composed of 444 undergraduate university students whose age ranged between 18-25 years old. All participants were asked to complete a battery of self-report measures including the PIOS, Beck Depression inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Clark-Beck Obsessive Compulsive Inventory and Penn State Worry Inventory. Following a period of approximately 4 weeks a sub sample of the participants were asked to complete the questionnaires for the second time. Results: Consistent with the findings of the original study (Abromowitz et al., 2002), explanatory and confirmatory factor analyses supported the two-dimensional structure of the Turkish version of the PIOS. However, distribution of the items on the two factors showed some cultural differences that might be specific to our culture. The results revealed acceptable test-retest and internal consistency coefficients, and also good construct, convergent, discriminant, and criterion validity information for the Turkish version of the PIOS, which can be utilized in the Turkish culture in order to evaluate individual differences in terms of scrupulosity symptoms. Conclusion: The results of the present study indicated a good reliability and validity information for the Turkish version of the PIOS, supporting the cross-cultural nature of the scale.