A Comparative Register Analysis of The Language of Cooking Used in Turkish Recipes
Discourse analysis is defined as the description and analysis of both spoken and written language use (Paltridge, 2008, p. 3). Discourse analysis itself has various approaches. One of these discoursal approaches to the analysis of language use is register analysis. Register analysis depends on both qualitative and quantitative analytical techniques. Register studies describe the situational and linguistic characteristics of particular registers (Biber and Conrad, 2009 ).This study can be defined as a multidimensional, single register analysis of the Turkish cooking recipes.The aims of the study are (1) to describe the lexico-grammatical and discoursal features of the Turkish cooking recipes, (2) to find whether there are lexical-grammatical and discoursal differences in two individual years. In the study, 322 cooking recipes were investigated systematically taken from two cookery books written by two Turkish authors in 1974 and 2011. The cooking recipes selected from the two