Sevim Burak Edebiyatı’nda “Kültürel Özne” ve “Öteki” Kavramının Tezahürlerinin İncelenmesi ve Bir Örnek Eserde Reji Uygulaması

Göster/ Aç
Aydoğan, Berfu
Ambargo Süresi
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In this art study report, the colourful world of Sevim Burak, one of the notable figures of
the Republican Period of Turkish Literature between 1950-1970 with her individual stories
with social background and innovative art perspective, has been mirrored, and the play
“İşte Baş İşte Gövde İşte Kanatlar” was chosen for the stage application. The way we draw
on ourselves through this study has been to follow the apparent manifestations of the
concept "other" and the culturalization of subject in Burak's implicit narration. The
unheard voices of the excluded, alienated characters in Burak`s texts are become visible
and felt in her works by breaking and fracturing of the language. Burak, who has produced
such works in which fact cannot be distinguished from dream, time and space are
obscured, and future and past are intertwined, criticizes the order in which she lives and
represents the "other" through her works. Considering the characteristics of Burak's art in
all this essence and form, we can say that understanding the language created by the author
with a free flow of consciousness is only possible through analysing the cultural metaphors
she uses in her plays and evaluating all of her works together which are reflections of her
own life. Throughout the course of our study, we aimed to bring the ignored voice of the
“other” out into the open through the author's extraordinary language and to reflect this
visibility into our performance. We have tried to analyse the author` s world which does
not reveal itself easily, working on the play “İşte Baş İşte Gövde İşte Kanatlar”, which is
the focus of our art study report, both theoretically and practically. The psychoanalytic
approach that we have adopted as a starting point in this way has helped us to find our way
through every time we are lost and supported our creativity in terms of both essence and