Türk Operasını Oluşum Süreci ve Ahmet Adnan Saygun'un Özsoy Operasının Analizi

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Tuzlu , Ahmet
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In Turkey, westernisation ideals that have flourished as early as 19th century have started with the abolition of Janissery and show themselves on music as well. Interest and support of palace to the western music let the establishment of opera houses. With the foundation of new Turkish Republic, education of western music and opera finally been introduced for every citizen. Ahmet Adnan Saygun, by combining various styles from Turkish folk music to neo classicism, has become the voice of newly founded republic. His opera, Özsoy is a milestone of westernisation ideals. This research, while analyzing Özsoy opera, aims to shed light on the Western music and opera adventure of Turks in the process up to the formation of the work.