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dc.contributor.authorOğuz, Esin Sultan
dc.description.abstractThe twenty first century has witnessed radical changes created by the technological advances, globalisation and competition on the higher education. The undeniable technological changes that have occurred in higher education have not only transcended national boundaries and changed formerly-held assumptions, but also facilitated the paradigmatic shifts. Ratified by the European Union (EU) nations in 1999, the Bologna Declaration is probably the best example of such a paradigmatic shift. One of the goals of this Declaration is to standardize education in the EU nations by 2010. It hopes to accomplish this through its “European Higher Education Area” which will not only encourage dialogue between the EU nations, but also function as a liaison for student-faculty exchanges among universities. The Bologna Program also hopes to encourage collaboration between European Library and Information Science (LIS) Schools. The purpose of this study is to introduce this on-going collaboration between the EU LIS schools.
dc.publisherH.Ü. Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü
dc.subjectKütüphanecilik eğitimi
dc.subjectBilgibilim eğitimi
dc.subjectAvrupa Birliği
dc.subjectLibrary science education
dc.subjectInformation science education
dc.subjectLIS education
dc.subjectEuropean Union
dc.titleKütüphanecilik ve Bilgibilim Eğitiminde Uluslararası İşbirliği: Avrupa Birliği Faaliyetleri. (International Cooperation in Library and Information Science Education: The European Union Activities)
dc.title.alternativeInternational Cooperation in Library and Information Science Education: The European Union Activities
dc.contributor.departmentBilgi ve Belge Yönetimi

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