• I Am Online: What Adolescents Think About Internet And Internet Use 

      Sipal, R. Firat; Karakaya, Yildiz; Hergul, Neslihan (Elsevier Science Bv, 2011)
      There remains a dearth of research on what youth are doing when they are online and what they think about internet. We contacted 450 adolescents from public high schools and applied a questionnaire to assess their Internet ...
    • I Thought I Saw "Zorro" : An Inattentiona Blindness Study 

      Oktay, Bahadir; Cangoz, Banu (Aves, 2018)
      Objective: Inattentional blindness (IB) refers to an observer's failure to notice unexpected stimulus. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the priming type (perceptual, conceptual, and no priming) and ...
    • << I-Ih >> Mes'elesi 

      Oğuz, İsmail (Bugün (İst), 1967-04-22)
    • I. Dünya Savaşı'nda Tank Teknolojileri (İngiltere Örneği) 

      Özbek, Murat (Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2022)
      The main objective of this thesis is to examine tanks and their usage, which is an area that has remained in the background and has not received enough attention regarding the First World War. It is also aimed to highlight ...
    • I. Uluslararası Aile ve Tüketici Bilimleri Kongresi 

      Çopur, Zeynep; Hazer, Oya; Demirci, Aybige; Demirci, Aybala; Güneş, Sadık; Tokyürek, Şadan; Arpacı, Fatma; Yurtseven, Asiye; Manohar, Namita N.; Açık, Zeynep; Yurtseven, Gülten; Günay, Gülay; Bener, Özgün; Oğuz, Ahmet; Smith, Suzanna; Kataoka, Yoshimi; Fukino, Takashi; Koropeckjy-Cox, Tanya; Küçükkömürler, Saime; Karakuş, Suzan Seren; Arpacı, Fatma; Gürbüz, Seraceddin; Özdoğan, Fatma; Öztürk, M. Serhat; Aydıner Boylu, Ayfer; Güven, Seval; Bullel, Tine; Verte, Dominigve; Yürekli, Sıtkı; Gürkaynak, Nilgün; Özdamar Ertekin, Zeynep; Gürsoy, Dilek; Sirvan Boran, Nağme; Akar Şahingöz, Semra; L. Bird, Carolyn; Şener, Arzu; Coşkuner, Selda; Öztürk, Kübra; Uysal, Halil; Gül, Arzu; Tokat, Hatice; Bulduk, Emre Özgür; Yıldızlı, Feride; Beyaz, Fatma Banu; Koç, Ahmet Ali; Şimşek Bekir, Hatice; Şahin, Hande; Öztop, Hülya; Mahmutoğlu, Dilhun; Külçe, Özge; Kaman, Yasemin; Muma, Aslı; Hayta, Ateş Bayazıt; Ünüsan, Nurhan; Babaoğul, Müberra; Açık, Zeynep; Sadi, Okan; Yılmaz, Fatma; Özer Aytekin, Kamile; Ersoy, Ali Fuat; Bekar, Aydan; Yıldızlı, Feride; Bulduk, Emre Özgür; Lembet, Zeynep; Mahmutoğlu, Dilhun; Külçe, Özge; Kılıçaslan, Şükran; Karcı, Nergis; Öztop, Hülya; Onuk, Dilan; Tursun, Çiğdem; Sunal, Hilmiye Tuğba; İçyüz, Müberra; Erkal, Sibel; Sabbağ, Çiğdem; Şanlı, Sevinç; Gürel, Betül; Eker, Işıl; Ağca, Ayça; Buğday, Esna Betül; Gürsoy, Nihan (Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2014)
    • I. Yıl Klasik Bale Eğitimi 

      Aksan, Müride (Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2015)
      Ankara Devlet Konservatuvarı, kuruluş yılı olan 1936 yılından bu yana dek müzik ve sahne sanatları alanında öncülük görevi yaparak yetiştirdiği pek çok sanatçı ile ülkemizde sahne müzik sanatları alanında güçlü kurumların ...
    • Iatrogenic Femoral Arteriovenous Fistula With Double Connection Between Femoral Artery And Vein Leading To High-Output Heart Failure Years After Mitral And Tricuspid Valve Replacement 

      Özyüksel, Arda; Doğan, Rıza (2013)
      Arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) are potentially harmful but curable complications of diagnostic and interventional cardiac catheterizations. In this report, we present a case of iatrogenic AVF both from superficial and deep ...
    • Icesat-2 Nokta Bulutu Verilerinden Kar Kalınlığı Belirleme Potansiyelinin Araştırılması 

      Şahin, Büşra (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2021)
      Snow is one of the types of precipitation that is vital for ecosystems and the continuation of life cycles. However, in order to predict avalanche events that may occur as a result of heavy snowfall, it is important to ...
    • ICF Temelli Ampute Mobilite Ölçeği Geliştirilmesi, Geçerlilik ve Güvenirliği 

      Ekinci, Yasin (Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2022)
      Ekinci, Y. Development, Validity and Reliability of ICF-Based Amputee Mobility Scale, Hacettepe University Graduate School Health Sciences Programme of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Ankara, ...
    • ICF Temelli İletişim Tarama Ölçeği (İtö)’nin Geliştirilmesi 

      Yelek, Esma Nur (Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2024)
      Speech and/or language disorders are among the most common developmental problems affecting children of all ages. Since early diagnosis and intervention are of critical importance in the preschool period, the use of screening ...
    • Icone: An International Consortium Of Neuro Endovascular Centres 

      Raymond, J.; White, P.; Kallmes, D. F.; Spears, J.; Marotta, T.; Roy, D.; Guilbert, F.; Weill, A.; Nguyen, T.; Molyneux, A. J.; Cloft, H.; Cekirge, S.; Saatci, I.; Bracard, S.; Meder, J. -F.; Moret, J.; Cognard, C.; Qureshi, A. I.; Turk, A. S.; Berenstein, A. (Edizioni Centauro, 2008)
      The proliferation of new endovascular devices and therapeutic strategies calls for a prudent and rational evaluation of their clinical benefit. This evaluation must be done in an effective manner and in collaboration with ...
    • Ict Integration Processes In Turkish Schools: Using Activity Theory To Study Issues And Contradictions 

      Demiraslan, Yasemin; Usluel, Yasemin Kocak (Australasian Soc Computers Learning Tertiary Education-Ascilite, 2008)
      This study used activity theory to examine complex pedagogical, social, and technological issues in ICT integration process at the classroom level. We identified and analysed the contradictions within the activity system ...
    • Iç Hastalıkları Yoğun Bakım Ünitesi'nde Çalışan Birinci Yıl Araştırma Görevlilerinin Rotasyonları Sırasında Ilk Çalışma Haftalarındaki Uyum Sürecinin Mortalite Üzerine Etkisi 

      Nahit Şendur, Süleyman (Tıp Fakültesi, 2014)
      Aim: The primary aim of this study is to determine whether there is any effect of adaptation of internal medicine residents during their first week rotation period in the medical intensive care unit on patient mortality. Methods: ...
    • Iç Hastalıkları Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde Tedavi Edilen Ağır Sepsis Hastalarında Hemofagositik Lenfohistiyositozun Araştırılması 

      Halaçlı, Burçin (Tıp Fakültesi, 2013)
      Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a life-threating condition characterized with uncontrolled inflamation, prolonged fever, splenomegaly and cytopenia. HLH has common clinical and laboratory features with systemic ...
    • Iç Mekanda Prefabrikasyon ve Günümüz Prefabrik İç Mekan Ürünlerine Yönelik Bir İnceleme 

      Kurnalı, Melih (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2015)
      This study is prepared in order to understand of the historical development of prefabrication in interiors and the relationship between spaces and products manufactured by contemporary prefabrication technology. Basically, ...
    • Içerik Tabanlı Görüntü Erişimi Sistemleri 

      Soydal, İrem; Al, Umut; Sezen, Umut (ÜNAK, 2005)
      Digital image collections are expanding day by day, and imageretrieval becomes even harder. Both individuals and institutionsencounter serious problems when building their image archives andlater ...
    • 'Ideal Criteria' For Starting Chronic Hemodialysis: Numbers, Symptoms Or An Alerting 'Traffic Light' System? 

      Arici, Mustafa (Karger, 2012)
      A definite criteria for starting chronic hemodialysis treatment is still lacking even after 50 years of regular hemodialysis treatment. Although none of the current guidelines have designated a certain glomerular filtration ...
    • Idelalisib At The Crossroads Of B-Cell Lymphoproliferative Disorders 

      Aksu, Salih; Ayyildiz, Orhan; Etgul, Sezgin; Goker, Hakan; Gunes, Gursel; Haznedaroglu, Ibrahim C.; Ilhan, Osman; Kaynar, Leyla G.; Malkan, Umit Y.; Ozdemir, Evren; Saydam, Guray; Sayinalp, Nilgun; Sahin, Fahri; Turgut, Mehmet; Unal, Ali (Akad Doktorlar Yayınevi, 2016)
      Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are considered as lipid kinases that are very active in the pathobiology of lymphoproliferative disorders (LPDs). Idelalisib, a selective inhibitor of the delta isoform of PI3K, ...
    • Identification and Characterization of Some Bioactive Components in Selected Local Wheat (Triticum spp.) Varieties 

      Akram, Muhammad Usman (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2023-10-25)
      This study was carried out to determine some bioactive compounds and their antioxidant properties in whole wheat grains of selected on-farm conserved Turkish wheat genotypes (including 4 monococcum, 3 dicoccum, 4 durum, ...
    • Identification and Control of Linear Time-Periodic Systems via Harmonic Transfer Functions 

      Sert, Başak (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2023)
      The increased need for accurately modeling the input–output characteristics of linear time-periodic (LTP) systems necessitates novel identification and control algorithms as well as new test benches for their experimental ...