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dc.contributor.advisorAlagözlü, Nuray
dc.contributor.authorKarakurt, Leyla
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed at developing a new instructional model for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners taking grammar classes; to overcome the complexities and difficulties of understanding language structures and their negative attitudes towards it. Therefore, two randomly selected B1 level proficiency groups were taken as the experimental and control groups in a higher education institution in Turkey. A mixed-method study was conducted for seven weeks in School of Foreign Languages at Başkent University during the spring semester of 2015-2016 academic year and Flipped Grammar Class Model was implemented to 20 students. As a quantitative model, pre-test and post-test true experimental design was utilized. The quantitative data collection tools were the grammar proficiency pre-test and post-test, ICT literacy survey, and Flipped Grammar Class Attitude Questionnaire while the qualitative data was gathered through a semi-structured follow-up interview. Firstly, the grammar proficiency pre-test was applied to both groups and the findings revealed that there is not a statistically significant difference in between. After the treatment, the same test was applied to both groups to determine the difference between and within the groups. For the analysis of the pre-test and posttest results, independent and paired samples t-tests were conducted. The results indicated the students in the experimental group outperformed that of the control group. Also, the frequency analysis of the attitude questionnaire revealed that almost all of the students hold positive attitudes towards the model, which was also verified with the semi-structured interview. According to the findings, the Flipped Grammar Class Model is more effective than traditional lecture-based instruction in improving grammar proficiency. It is believed that Flipped Grammar Class Model can be practiced in EFL and ESL contexts, which may overcome difficulties and complexities of language structures together with the negative attitudes towards learning English grammar.tr_TR
dc.description.tableofcontentsAbstract ii Öz iii Acknowledgements iv Table of Contents vi List of Tables ix List of Figures xi Symbols and Abbreviations xii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 5 Aim and Significance of the Study 7 Research Questions 10 Assumptions 11 Limitations 11 Definitions 11 Chapter 2 Literature Review 14 Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 14 Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) 16 The Place of Language Learning 19 The Philosophical Background of Teaching Grammar 22 The Function of Grammar Teaching 30 Assessing Grammar 36 Technology in ELT 38 Blended Learning 41 Flipped Learning 54 Chapter 3 Methodology 71 Abstract ii Öz iii Acknowledgements iv Table of Contents vi List of Tables ix List of Figures xi Symbols and Abbreviations xii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 5 Aim and Significance of the Study 7 Research Questions 10 Assumptions 11 Limitations 11 Definitions 11 Chapter 2 Literature Review 14 Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 14 Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) 16 The Place of Language Learning 19 The Philosophical Background of Teaching Grammar 22 The Function of Grammar Teaching 30 Assessing Grammar 36 Technology in ELT 38 Blended Learning 41 Flipped Learning 54 Chapter 3 Methodology 71 Research Design 71 Setting and Participants 73 Data Collection 75 Data Analysis 98 Chapter 4 Findings 100 Findings on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Questionnaire 100 Findings on the Grammar Proficiency Pre-Test Scores of the Experimental and Control Groups 105 Findings on the Grammar Proficiency Post-Test Scores of the Experimental and Control Groups 106 Findings on Grammar Proficiency Pre-Test and Post-Test Results of the Experimental Group 107 Findings on Grammar Proficiency Pre-Test and Post-Test Results of the Control Group 108 Findings on Flipped Grammar Class Attitudes Survey 109 Chapter 5 Discussion, Conclusion, and Suggestions 123 An Overview of the Study 123 Discussion of the Results 125 Conclusion 128 Suggestions and Implications 131 References 134 APPENDIX-A: CEFR Common Reference Levels 161 APPENDIX-B: Flipped Grammar Class Syllabus 162 APPENDIX-C: Stop & Check Test 165 APPENDIX-D: Exit Test 172 APPENDIX-E: Grammar Proficiency Pre-Test 175 APPENDIX-F: Grammar Proficiency Post-Test 180 Abstract ii Öz iii Acknowledgements iv Table of Contents vi List of Tables ix List of Figures xi Symbols and Abbreviations xii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 5 Aim and Significance of the Study 7 Research Questions 10 Assumptions 11 Limitations 11 Definitions 11 Chapter 2 Literature Review 14 Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 14 Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) 16 The Place of Language Learning 19 The Philosophical Background of Teaching Grammar 22 The Function of Grammar Teaching 30 Assessing Grammar 36 Technology in ELT 38 Blended Learning 41 Flipped Learning 54 Chapter 3 Methodology 71 Research Design 71 Setting and Participants 73 Data Collection 75 Data Analysis 98 Chapter 4 Findings 100 Findings on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Questionnaire 100 Findings on the Grammar Proficiency Pre-Test Scores of the Experimental and Control Groups 105 Findings on the Grammar Proficiency Post-Test Scores of the Experimental and Control Groups 106 Findings on Grammar Proficiency Pre-Test and Post-Test Results of the Experimental Group 107 Findings on Grammar Proficiency Pre-Test and Post-Test Results of the Control Group 108 Findings on Flipped Grammar Class Attitudes Survey 109 Chapter 5 Discussion, Conclusion, and Suggestions 123 An Overview of the Study 123 Discussion of the Results 125 Conclusion 128 Suggestions and Implications 131 References 134 APPENDIX-A: CEFR Common Reference Levels 161 APPENDIX-B: Flipped Grammar Class Syllabus 162 APPENDIX-C: Stop & Check Test 165 APPENDIX-D: Exit Test 172 APPENDIX-E: Grammar Proficiency Pre-Test 175 APPENDIX-F: Grammar Proficiency Post-Test 180 APPENDIX-G: The Proficiency Test Results of Experimental and Control Groups 185 APPENDIX-H: Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Literacy Survey 186 APPENDIX-I: Flipped Grammar Class Attitude Questionnaire 188 APPENDIX-J: Statistical Analysis of The Flipped Writing Class Attitude Questionnaire 190 APPENDIX-K: Interview Questions on Flipped Grammar Class 192 APPENDIX-L: Presentation on Flipped Grammar Course 193 APPENDIX-M: Images of Video Lectures On Youtube 197 APPENDIX-N: Ethics Committee Approval 204 APPENDIX O: Declaration of Ethical Conduct 205 APPENDIX-P: Thesis Originality Report 206 APPENDIX-Q: Yayımlama ve Fikrî Mülkiyet Hakları Beyanı 207tr_TR
dc.publisherEğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsütr_TR
dc.subjectYabancı Dil Öğrenimi
dc.subjectTersten Yapılandırılmış Öğrenme
dc.subjectTersten Yapılandırılmış Dilbilgisi Sınıfı
dc.subjectHarmanlanmış Öğrenme
dc.subjectWeb Temelli Öğretim
dc.titleFlipped and Blended Grammar Instruction for B1 Level EFL Classes at Tertiary Educationeng
dc.description.ozetBu çalışma, yabancı dil olarak İngilizce öğrenen ve gramer dersi alan öğrencilerin dil yapılarının zorluğu ve karmaşasıyla başa çıkması ve gramer öğrenmeye yönelik negatif tutumlarını değiştirmesi için onlara yeni bir öğretim modeli geliştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu sebeple, Türkiye’deki bir yükseköğretim kurumunda, rastgele seçilmiş iki B1 seviyesi dil yeterlik grubu, deney ve kontrol grubu olarak çalışmaya alınmıştır. Karma yöntemli bu çalışma, Başkent Üniversitesi Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu’nda 2015-2016 bahar döneminde Ters-yüz edilmiş Gramer Modeli kullanılarak 20 öğrenciye yedi hafta boyunca uygulanmıştır. Araştırma modeli olarak öntest-sontest kontrol gruplu gerçek deneme modeli kullanılmıştır. Karma araştırma yöntemi esas alınmış; nicel veri toplama araçları olarak gramer bilgisi ölçen öntest ve sontest, bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri okuryazarlığı anketi ve tersten yapılandırılmış gramer sınıfı tutum ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Nitel veri toplama aracı olarak ise, yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Öncelikle, her iki gruba öntest uygulanmış ve sonuçlara göre iki grup arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farkın olmadığı bulunmuştur. Deney sonrasında, gruplararası ve grup içi değişimi belirleyebilmek için iki gruba da ilk verilen test tekrar uygulanmıştır. Öntest ve sontest sonuçlarının analizinde bağımsız ve eşleştirilmiş örneklem t- testi uygulanmıştır. Sonuçlara göre, deney grubu öğrencileri uygulamadan sonra kontrol grubundaki öğrencilere kıyasla daha iyi performans sergilemişlerdir. Ayrıca, tutum ölçeğinin frekans analizleri, öğrencilerin büyük bir çoğunluğunun yeni uygulamaya karşı olumlu tutum geliştirdiğini göstermiştir ve bu sonuçların araştırmanın nitel kısmını oluşturan yarı yapılanmış görüşme sonuçlarıyla da örtüştüğü görülmüştür. Bulgulara göre, tersten yapılandırılmış dilbilgisi sınıfı modelinin öğrencilerin dilbilgisi edinimi açısından geleneksel ders anlatımına dayalı öğretim şeklinden daha etkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Tersten yapılandırılmış dilbilgisi sınıfı modelinin, yabancı veya ikinci dil bağlamında kullanılarak dilbilgisi öğrenmedeki zorluk, karmaşa ve bu beceriye yönelik olumsuz tutumlara bir çözüm olabileceği düşünülmektedir.tr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentYabancı Diller Eğitimitr_TR

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