TOLUN, Fatma Elif. Restlessness of the Object, Doctor of Fine Arts in Thesis,
Ankara, 2018.
The history of the object / object in the historical process, which is from the past
to the present day, has become one of the indispensable subjects of human
history. People's view of the object, its reach and comprehension have changed
over time. In the field of art, as it is in the life cycle, the object has become a
concept that is constantly changing, producing new meanings and forms. In this
thesis study, the transformation process of objects, the relations that artists
established with the world of objects, and the forms of approach they have
created with new meanings they have put into objects have been examined. In
this context, the question of life through object in art, personalization of objects
and reconstruction of the memory was emphasized. In a general perspective,
objects have been transformed into visual objects, objects of art, and a means of
expressing sensitivities and uneasiness, with circulation between the
environment and memories. Whatever the theme of art throughout history, it
includes a language and aesthetic creation process that is different from the
meanings used in everyday life.
In the personal applications section of this thesis.works described "Barrels",
"Fragmentation and Transformation", "Ghost City", "Wreck and Life" and
"Memory" by way of handling and expressing the object, inquires myself, my
experience, present time and today’s art. Paintings and art objects are a natural
part of people's existence and destruction as they create their own living space
and circulate with new meanings. It was questioned by studying the existence
and change of the object in a formal and conceptual way. Thus, the thesis and
art works carry a different type of meaning and a different journey of readings.
Key Words
Art, object, restlessness, memorial object, memory, space
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