Çelik, E., Scale Development on the Nutrition and Behavior Attitudes in Bariatric Surgery Patients. Hacettepe University Institute of Health Sciences MSc Thesis in Dietetics, Ankara, 2017. This study was held to develop a scale measuring the attitudes of people to change their habits on nutrition and physical activity after bariatric surgery. Reliability and validation analysis were done to develop the scale. Via this scope this scale is required to apply before the surgery for defining the pertaining status of individuals on changing their nutrition behavior and lack of knowledge about the process after the surgery. In this study 157 obese people who applied to a hospital in Izmir for bariatric surgery were included. Test retest was performed on 30 randomly selected of 157 participants. Reliability study for this scale determined internal consistency by the Cronbach Alpha and validity by factor analysis. The Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient was found to be 0,937. As a result of the exploratory factor analysis, the scale items showed 5 factors as best distribution. Factors are named under five headings "Short-term compliance to post-operative recommendation", "Body weight-diet and exercise relationship", "Operation-diet-exercise relationship", "Long term compliance with post-operative recommendation", and "Weight loss expectation from surgery". The factor loadings of the items were found to be between 0,49 and 0,81. Factors explain 59,65% of the variance. As a result of the factor analysis. Kaiser-Meyer Olkin coefficient was 0,742 and Bartlett test result was found to be significant (2=818.800; p<0,001). Consequently, a 5-factor scale consisting of 18 items was developed. This scale is the first scale developed on this subject.
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