Kömür Ocaklarında Kullanılan Kollu Galeri Açma Makineleri Performansının Dolaylı Deneylerden Tahmin Edilmesi
Göster/ Aç
Rostami Ghabankandi, Masoud
Ambargo Süresi
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Roadheaders have been widely used in underground mining and tunnel projects since 1960s. Although some disadvantages, they become widespread due to the important advantages. The performance prediction of roadheaders is necessary for planning and cost estimation in roadway projects. There are several models in the literature for the performance prediction of roadheaders. However, most of these models include rock properties determined in the laboratory. The tests which can be applied in the field represent better in-situ rock properties. Another drawback of the available models is that they cannot be generalized since they are developed from the data of one machine. Most of the available models do not also include the discontinuity properties. In this thesis, in order to fill the gap in the literature, the generalized performance prediction models including discontinuity properties were developed using the Schmidt hammer and the needle penetrometer which can be applied easily in the field for both axial and transvers
type roadheaders. The performance measurements of both axial and transvers type roadheaders were carried out during coal and rock excavations in the coal mines located in Çayırhan, Soma and Dodurga. The Schmidt hammer test, the needle penetrometer test and the measurements of discontinuities were also performed at the locations in which performance measurements were carried out. The generalized performance prediction models were derived by multiple regression analysis using the performance measurements, the Schmidt hammer value, the needle penetration index, and discontinuity measurements (Volumetric joint count) for both axial and transvers type roadheaders. The validity of the derived models was tested by F-test. It can be concluded that the derived models can be used reliably for the performance prediction of roadheaders during the excavation of especially coal and coal measure rocks