Türkiye'de Jeotermal Enerji Santrallerinin Ekonomi Açısından Fırsat Maliyetlerinin İncelenmesi
Turkey needs all kinds of resources for the economic position which is in a rapid growth trend.
Due to the limited domestic savings, various studies are carried out by the public sector on the
sustainability of the deficit in the current account balance of our country, which is dependent on
external resources. Although it is seen as an advantage to be close to fossil energy reserves,
energy supply is one of the most challenging issues for our country due to geopolitical risks in
these regions.
In the introductory part of this study, the production of energy, the installed capacity as a result
of the investments made for the generation and the appearance of electricity production in the
world and in our country are discussed. Information has been given on renewable and nonrenewable resources and energy policies of our country for the future have been discussed.The
importance of the energy supply in terms of Turkey's economy, the current account deficit has
investigated the relationship between struggle and energy policies, energy import focused on its
impact on economic stability.
The supports provided to investments within the framework of renewable energy policies of our
country were discussed and energy investments were examined in general. In this study, the
research subjects who performed in Turkey / renewable energy plants will be made and
compared with the situation of our country and other countries were studied.
In the last part of the study, the impact of the rapidly increasing renewable energy investments
on the economy has been examined and the import and domestic production of the components
used in the energy production of the energy production and the current deficit reducing effect
have been emphasized. Theses findings are part of the emerging situation in Turkey it has been
included in expenses as a result of possible scenarios and perform for geothermal energy
In the conclusion part, suggestions were developed for the policies to be implemented in the
future in line with the findings.