Kriz, Yüzleşme, Yeniden İnşa: Behzat Ç.’De Erkeklik Anlatıları
Patriarchy is the interiorised underlying social structure that works in our daily lives and says that men are superior to women (and others). Masculinity is right in the middle of our daily lives, so it is easy to normalize and not easy to discuss. But masculinity is important for analyzing power and gender relations in society. Popular culture is a resistance field where we can follow the changes, cracks and desires of society, despite the common, cheap and worthless feeling. From this point of view, we can follow the change (or altered / other masculinities) through the popular culture. In this thesis, Behzat Ç: An Ankara Detective Stories will be examined in terms of masculine representations within popular culture products. By examining the text that presents controversial representations in terms of hegemonic masculinity. It will be looked at what this representation corresponds to how masculinity crisis and anti-hero men are represented. In the study; chracters, relations of characters with each others will be examined with discourse analysis to contribute to the literature of masculinity studies through popular culture by examining Behzat products such as serial, books and movies intertextually.