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dc.contributor.advisorYüksel-Kaptanoğlu, İlknur
dc.contributor.authorGebru, Mihretab Solomon
dc.identifier.citationREFERENCES Barker, G. K., & Rich, S. (1992). Influences on adolescent sexuality in Nigeria and Kenya: Findings from recent focus-group discussions. Studies in Family Planning, 23(3), 199–210. Bloor, M., Frankland, J., Thomas, M., & Robson, K. (2001). Focus groups in social research. Sage. Bogardus, E. S. (1926). The group interview. Brannen, J., & Pattman, R. (2005). Work-family matters in the workplace: the use of focus groups in a study of a UK social services department. Qualitative Research, 5(4), 523–542. Clark, J. M., Maben, J., & Jones, K. (1996). The use of focus group interviews in nursing research: issues and challenges. NT Research, 1(2), 143–153. Colucci, E. (2007). “Focus groups can be fun”: The use of activity-oriented questions in focus group discussions. Qualitative Health Research, 17(10), 1422–1433. Cooper, C. P., Jorgensen, C. M., & Merritt, T. L. (2003). Report from the CDC. Telephone focus groups: an emerging method in public health research. Journal of Women’s Health, 12(10), 945–951. Damron, J. C. H. (2009). Attitudes toward interpersonal silence within dyadic relationships. Edmunds, H. (1999). The focus group research handbook. Lincolnwood, IL. NTC Business Books/Contemporary Publishing. EEOC, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of the United States. (n.d.). What is sexual harassment? Retrieved from Etikan, I., Musa, S. A., & Alkassim, R. S. (2016). Comparison of convenience sampling and purposive sampling. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 5(1), 1–4. Fallon, G., & Brown, R. B. (2002). Focusing on focus groups: lessons from a research project involving a Bangladeshi community. Qualitative Research, 2(2), 195–208. Fern, E. F. (1982). The use of focus groups for idea generation: the effects of group size, acquaintanceship, and moderator on response quantity and quality. Journal of Marketing Research, 1–13. Flowerdew, R., & Martin, D. (2005). Methods in human geography: a guide for students doing a research project. Pearson Education. Folch-Lyon, E., & Trost, J. F. (1981). Conducting focus group sessions. Studies in Family Planning, 443–449. Greenwood, N., Ellmers, T., & Holley, J. (2014). The influence of ethnic group composition on focus group discussions, 1–13. Hennink, M. H., & Hutter, I. (2011). Bailey. A. Qualitative Research Methods. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Hennink, M. M. (2007). International focus group research: A handbook for the health and social sciences. Cambridge University Press. Hennink, M. M. (2014). Understanding Focus Group Discussions. Oxford University Press. Hollander, J. A. (2004). The social contexts of focus groups. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 33(5), 602–637. Hughes, D. L., & DuMont, K. (2002). Using focus groups to facilitate culturally anchored research. In Ecological research to promote social change (pp. 257–289). Springer. Jowett, M., & O’Toole, G. (2006). Focusing researchers’ minds: Contrasting experiences of using focus groups in feminist qualitative research. Qualitative Research, 6(4), 453– 472. Kitzinger, J. (1994). The methodology of focus groups: the importance of interaction between research participants. Sociology of Health & Illness, 16(1), 103–121. Kralik, D., Price, K., Warren, J., & Koch, T. (2006). Issues in data generation using email group conversations for nursing research. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 53(2), 213–220. Krueger, R A, & Casey, M. A. (2000). Focus groups: a practical guide for applied research. Krueger, Richard A. (2014). Focus groups: A practical guide for applied research. Sage publications. Krueger, Richard A, & Casey, M. A. (2009). Focus groupsa practical guide for applied research. Lee, R. M. (1993). Doing research on sensitive topics. Sage. Liamputtong, P. (2011). Focus group methodology: Principle and practice. Sage Publications. Merton, R., Fisk, M., & Kendall, P. (1956). The focused interview: a report of the bureau of applied social research. New York: Columbia University. Michell, L., & Amos, A. (1997). Girls, pecking order and smoking. Social Science & Medicine, 44(12), 1861–1869. Morgan, D. L. (1988). Focus groups as qualitative research. Newbury Park. Cal.: Sage. Morgan, D. L. (1995). Why things (sometimes) go wrong in focus groups. Qualitative Health Research, 5(4), 516–523. Morgan, D. L. (1996a). Focus groups. Annual Review of Sociology, 22(1), 129–152. Morgan, D. L. (1996b). Focus groups as qualitative research (Vol. 16). Sage publications. Morgan, D. L. (1997). Focus Groups as Qualitative Research (Vol. 16). SAGE. Morgan, D. L., & Krueger, R. A. (1997). Focus group kit: Volumes 1-6. Sage Publications Thousand Oaks, CA. Morgan David, L. (1997). Focus groups as qualitative research. Qualitative Research Methods Series, 16(2). Morgan, M., Gibbs, S., Maxwell, K., & Britten, N. (2002). Hearing children’s voices: methodological issues in conducting focus groups with children aged 7-11 years.tr_TR
dc.description.abstractFocus group discussion is one of the commonly used qualitative research methods. In focus group discussions it is argued that having homogenous participants in terms of social characteristics like gender, race, age etc. is beneficial. Despite such argument little is done to explore the impact of having heterogeneous participants in terms of ethnicity and gender for focus group discussions. Therefore, this study discusses methodological issues and challenges in using focus group discussion with homogeneous and heterogeneous groups. The methodological issues include, but are not limited to sensitive issues, group interaction, power relations, non-verbal cues, depth and breadth of data, degree of comfort between participants. To understand these issues, five focus group discussions were conducted with international students on adaptation challenges for international students in Turkey. Groups were set as homogeneous and heterogeneous based on social characteristics i.e. ethnicity and gender. The homogeneous groups consisted of participants of the same gender and same ethnicity, while the heterogeneous groups consisted of mixed nationalities and gender. Findings of this study revealed that group composition has an impact on the discussion flow, data generated, and process of focus group discussion. Both homogeneous and heterogeneous group compositions can work well in specific situations depending on the purpose of the research. I argue that instead of turning back on heterogeneous group composition it is worthwhile to consider using it depending on the purpose of the study.tr_TR
dc.publisherNüfus Etütleri Enstitüsütr_TR
dc.subjectFocus group discussiontr_TR
dc.subjectGroup composition
dc.subjectGroup homogeneity
dc.subjectGroup heterogeneity
dc.subject.lcshKonu Başlıkları Listesi::Genel konulartr_TR
dc.titleChallenges And Opportunıtıes In Usıng Focus Group To Study Heterogeneous And Homogeneous Groupstr_TR
dc.description.ozetOdak grup tartışması, yaygın olarak kullanılan nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden biridir. Odak grup tartışmalarında homojen katılımcıların “sosyal özellikler” olarak değerlendirilmesinin yararlı olduğu iddia edilmektedir. Ancak, tartışmalara rağmen, odak grup tartışmaları için heterojen katılımcıların cinsiyet ve milliyet açısından etkilerini araştırmak için çok az şey yapılır. Bu nedenle, bu çalışma homojen ve heterojen gruplarla odak grup tartışmasının kullanılmasında metodolojik sorunları ve zorlukları tartışmaktadır. Metodolojik konular arasında, bunlarla sınırlı olmamak üzere, hassas konular, grup etkileşimi, güç ilişkileri, sözel olmayan ipuçları, verilerin derinliği ve genişliği, tartışma akışı ve katılımcılar arasındaki rahatlık derecesi yer alır. Bu konuları anlamak için, uluslararası öğrencilerle Türkiye'de uyum sağlama zorlukları konusunda uluslararası öğrencilerle beş odak grup tartışması yapılmıştır. Topluluklar milliyet ve cinsiyete göre daha homojen ve daha heterojen olarak belirlenmiştir. Daha homojen gruplar aynı cinsiyetten ve aynı milletten katılımcılardan, daha heterojen gruplar karışık milletlerden ve cinsiyetten oluşuyordu. Bulgular, grup kompozisyonunun tartışma akışı, üretilen veriler ve odak grup tartışması süreci üzerinde bir etkisi olduğunu ortaya koydu. Hem homojen hem de heterojen grup kompozisyonları, araştırmanın amacına bağlı olarak spesifik durumlarda iyi çalışabilir. Heterojen grup kompozisyonunu göz ardı etmek yerine, çalışmanın amacına bağlı olarak kullanmayı düşünmenin faydalı olacağını savunuyorum.tr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentSosyal Araştırma Yöntemleritr_TR

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