Algoritmik Biyomimikri Yöntemi ile Dijital Tasarım
At the beginning of the 21st century, with the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Industry 4.0 a new age has begun and a new life model is taking shape. The digital atmosphere covers the physical atmosphere and appears as the new home of human life. Humanity acquires a new identity in the digital atmosphere and migrates its daily life to it. In the new age, as in all scientific fields, there have been radical changes in the theory and practice of design disciplines. Computational design is the new methodology. Algorithm is the new technical language. Data is the new raw material. Design application is shifting from being result-oriented to be process-oriented. Design process is transforming from constructed and assembled forms to growing forms. Design disciplines have the responsibility to design phenomena, laws, systems, spaces, products, and services of life in the digital atmosphere. The only exemplary model that design disciplines can take as a reference is the nature with an evolutionary experience of 3.8 billion years. This fact raises the biomimicry method in design. The computational methodology of the new age reveals the algorithmic biomimicry concept as a current and deeper approach. Algorithmic biomimicry to solve design problems simulates natural phenomena in the digital atmosphere to understand nature and to take advantage of it. The application project in this thesis is an example of digital morphogenesis designed with an algorithmic biomimicry approach. In the design process, answers sought to questions of whether nature designed human assets with the same method it used for the forms and patterns of many living things what kind of results may we encounter? How the cultural assets of human being take form with the evolutionary algorithms has been researched. An ethno-futuristic and diverse visual culture has been designed for human being that is seeking an identity for its presence in digital life, early on its evolution in the digital atmosphere.