Sanal Ortamda Özne Olmak: 3 Boyutlu Animasyonla Etkileşim Arayışları
Every change occurring in the existing production types affects the other change and
forms an interdisciplinary chain. When production types generated by the 21st century
technologies allow creation of virtual environments, where individuals can form
interactions, a new type of relationship is set: virtual environment and subject. Virtual
environments with unique structural rules have transformed the subject to a user, with
which it has a relationship, and it has enabled creation of a new environment as an
alternative to corporeality. This environment, which can be viewed as parallel to
corporeality, can be discussed as a dependent variable since it has the same subject
placed in its center. It is dependent because it has the same subject in its center as its
designer and receiver, and it is variable as much as it can bend the rules of corporeality.
In this thesis, the relationship between the subject and virtual environment was
scrutinized in the context of Lacanyen Subject Theory. The space relationship of virtual
environment was discussed based on the space approach of Lefebvre. According to this,
in the relationship of virtual environment and virtual realities, virtual realities attain a
place as alternative and parallel spaces to corporeality due to their structures containing
their subjects in the center.
A virtual reality application, called “Fanus” (bell-jar), was performed in a completely
enfolding virtual environment to allow reading of the existence type of the space in
virtual environment and the transformation of the individual to a user. The application
can be experienced by using 360 vr and equipment, which are completely enfolding
virtual reality tools.
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