Suçiçeği Nedeniyle Hastanede Yatan Çocuklarda Maliyet ve Maliyete Etki Eden Faktörlerin Değerlendirilmesi
Varicella has usually a benign course, however rarely can result with complications that may threat life. Varicella infection can also develop in children hospitalized for other reasons and cause hospital epidemics. In hospital epidemics, infection control methods must be applied. In this study we aimed to assess the varicella cost and factors that affect cost in hospitalized children with varicella. This retrospective study was peformed with records of patients in Hacettepe University Medicine Faculty İhsan Doğramacı Children Hospital, between January 2008 – December 2012. The records of 41 hospitalizations related varicella and 22 isolations to prevent hospital epidemics were searched. Indirect costs that couldn’t be measured exactly weren’t included in our research. Median cost per patient was found 994.2 (194-7955) TL in evaluation of patients hospitalized because of varicella infection and complications. Patients were grouped according to if they have underlying disease or not and presence of varicella complication at hospitalization. There was no difference between groups for total costs. Cost analysis of isolation methods applied to prevent outbreaks of varicella in hospital denoted median cost 694.1 (52-6079) TL per each isolation. We found that inpatient services had occupancy of median 55.2 % ± 20.2 during varicella isolation. 95.1 % of patients that hospitalized because of varicella and complications and 68.2 % of patients that had varicella during their hospitalization hadn’t any obstacle for varicella vaccination. These findings revealed that effective application of varicella vaccine which was added to national immunization schedule of our country with a single dose recently and vaccination of children who had no varicella history and weren’t covered by the new national immunization schedule may prevent undesirable results of varicella.