Tükenen Benlik Kaynaklarına Bağlı Olarak Artan Önyargılarda İçsel ve Dışsal Güdülenmenin Rolü
The Self Strength Model (Baumeister ve Heatherton, 1996; Muraven ve Baumeister, 2000) is based on the assumption that processes such as self-control, self-regulation, and self-control take place within the executive functions of the self. According to the model, individuals fail in their future actions that require resources due to ego depletion. In this study, the effects of ego depletion on the prejudices are examined and the basic assumption of the model has been tested. Also, the role of motivation to be without prejudice in the process of depletion of self-resources was examined.
In light of this information, this study consists of two preliminary studies and one main study. Firstly, the validity and reliability study of the scale named “Internal and External Motivation to Respond Without Prejudice” was the first prelimanry study. The scale measures motivation to respond without prejudice to homosexual people. As a result of the analyzes, it was determined that the scale is valid and reliable for use in the study. The second preliminary study was carried out in order to decide on the manipulation of the ego depletion. In the first stage, it was considered to use attention control video for manipulation. Therefore, the related video was adapted. However, the analysis showed that the video was not successful in ego depletion. In response, the success of the task of rewriting a text has been tested in order to determine depletion manipulation. This manipulation was found succesfull and it was decided to use this manipulation in the main study.
In the main study, it was aimed to test the effect of depletion of self-resources and the motivation to be without prejudice variables on the attitudes towards homosexuals. The result of analysis showed that all hypotheses of the study were confirmed. Research findings show that the effects of depletion, motivation and depletion-motivation variables on the attitudes towards homosexuals are significant. Finally, the findings of the research were evaluated in the light of the literature and the limitations of the research and suggestions for future studies were included.