Görsel Sanatlarda Doğa ve Arı Figürü
From the first ages to our days, the human life has been evolving and progressing
along with the nature. The human, which exists in the nature and is a part of it, at
first, was afraid of it and emulated it, and then started a struggle against it. S/he
would sometimes go on to worship it and sometimes try to become like it. And the
nature would always constitute an all encompassing space for the human. The
colors, shapes and the forms in the nature or the ways the animals in it lived, were
all sources of inspiration for the artist. Although a disconnection in the relation
between the human and the nature was starting to emerge especially after the
industrial revolution, the nature was still seen as a source which the artist should
once again resort to.
As for the modern days, the nature holds more significance for the human than it
did in the past. Because, to the own evolution of the nature, the concept of the
human’s forced evolution of it; in a way, consumption of it, has been added. And
the bee is one of the most significant images of the the nature which is in a
process of exhaustion. The bees, which are symbols of stability and harmony with
their colony systems, point out to plenitude and to miracles with their matriarchal
social structure. The similarities between the human architecture and the ways of
living, and the society of bees can easily be adapted. And the bees and the
materials they produce within this structure have been sources of inspiration for
many prominent artists. The apparent complex life inside of the bee hive, when
adapted to the way of life of the humans, evolves into an utopia.
In this thesis, “Bee” has been chosen as the name of the ideal world and has been
chosen to contribute to the formation of artistic language