Konversiyon Bozukluğu Tanısı Konan Ergenlerde Yüz İfadelerinin, Duygu Tanımlama Becerilerin ve İlişkili Etmenlerin Değerlendirilmesi
This is a cross-sectional study in which adolescents with conversion disorder is compared to adolescents with no psychiatric comorbidity about the covariates considered to be associated with conversion disorder by using semi-structured clinical interviews self report scales and performance of facial expression perception and and facial expression labeling. In this context the relation between conversive adolescents emotional, behavioral defence mechanisms, the defences they use in peer relations and coping strategies, attachment characteristics, cognitive processing of emotional data, negative parental relations, parental attachment characteristics and emotion recognition ability is researched by comparing with healthy controls. The sample was composed of Thirtysix adolescents with conversion disorder aged between 12-18 and 37 healthy adolescents that were evaluated. All adolescents and their parents were interviwed using Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL) in order to evaluate psychiatric disorders. All adolescents completed the Short Form of Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment, (IPPA) Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire -adolescent form, Defense Style Questionnaire and Working Memory Task and Facial Expressions Recognition Task. Family Assessment, Relationship Questionnaire are applied to parents After the assessments, it is indicated that conversion disorders are seen more often in girls and mid-low socioeconomic-sociocultural families. Psychiatric disorder history and adolescents parents‟ insecure attachment are at high frequency in this group. Stress is typically a factor at the beginning of the symptoms and CD is often accompanied by primarily somatoform disorders and also other psychiatric diseases. When it is compared to the control group, the adolescents diagnosed with CD have difficulties in attention, emotional and behavioral aspects, their family functionality is defective, insufficient ability of neutral, happy and non-negative facial expressions; and their happy emotional recognition has found prolonged. It is found that, the family functionality defect of the adolescents with CD, affects their strength of attachment to their parents, correspondingly they have more behavioral problems, have difficulties coping with adverse life occasions and they mostly use primitive defense mechanisms, their short-term memory and attention performance are also effected negatively. In conclusion, the progression of the symptoms of conversion is related to multiple and interactive; the factors which effect the children‟s attachment pattern, as the parents‟ attachment pattern and the parents functionality, contribute to the clinical presentation of CD. There is need for further studiesin which adolescents with different psyhological disorders are included in the control group; in order to evaluate whether these results are specific for conversion disorder in adolescents.