Sağlıklı Bireylerde Fonksiyonel Uzanma Testi Modifikasyonlarının Postürografi Parametreleri ile Korelasyonunun Değerlendirilmesi
Karabulut, M. Assessment Of Correlation of Functional Reach Test
Modifications With Posturographic Parameters In Healthy Individuals,
Hacettepe University Graduate School Health Sciences Department of
Audiology Master Thesis, Ankara, 2019. Computerized Static Posturography
(CSP), which enables effective evaluation of postural control, is not yet widely used
in clinics, but the subjective Functional Reach Test (FRT), which is easy to use,
inexpensive, fast and without consumables, is a simple way of evaluating standing
balance. There are multiple modifications in literature as well as standard FRT. Due
to differences in FRT test results, the number of studies on which test method should
be preferred is limited. In this study, the correlation of FRT and modified FRT tests
with Computerized Static Posturography (CSP) with Limits of Stability (LOS) and
Rhyhtmic Weight Shift (RWS) test results were investigated. 30 healthy subjects
between the ages of 18-40 were examined by using standard method FRT and
modified FRTs and the distance between Endpoint Excursion (EPE) and Maximum
Excursion (MXE) was examined with LOS. At the same time, FRT reaching time
manually was evaluated with stopwatch and correlations between movement velocity
in LOS and on axis velocity in right-left and forward-backward plane in RWS were
investigated. There was a moderate positive correlation between EPE and MXE in
the LOS with the distance between all FRT methods (p<0,05). A negative correlation
was found between the soft ground dominant arm FRT reaching time and the LOS
movement velocity (p <0,05), but no correlation was found between the other FRT
methods and the LOS movement velocity (p> 0,05). However, FRT was evaluated
with one arm and two arms on firm and soft ground in order to show which FRT
strategy was more reliable. In this study, the correlation between one arm and two
arms FRT test on both firm and soft ground was compared with EPE and MXE in
LOS. A higher level of correlation was obtained with two arms FRT (p<0,05). In the
RWS, a moderate correlation was found between the standart FRT reaching time
and slow movement velocity in the anteroposterior plane, while a moderate
correlation was obtained between the firm floor lateral FRT and rapid movement
velocity in the right-left plane (p <0,05). According to our findings, the best
correlation was obtained with LOS in CSP; FRT, with two arms on the firm ground
was obtained in postural control measurements aiming the distance of reach; the
dominant arm on soft ground FRT could be used safely in the postural control
measurements where the completion time of the test is important.
Key words: Functional Reach Test, Computerized Static Posturography, Limits of
Stability, Rhythmic Weight Shift, Postural Control