17βöstradiolün Kitosan-hidroksiapatit Yapıdaki Doku İskelesine Yüklenen Yağ Dokusundan Türetilmiş Mezekimal Kök Hücreler Üzerindeki Osteojenik Etkisinin Deneysel Kemik Defekti Modelinde Araştırılması
It was hypothetised that 17β-eustradiol may induce osteogenic differentiation of adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells. An experimental study is conducted to test this hypotesis. 36 Sprague-Dawley rats used in the experiment were divided into 6 equal groups and two bilateral full thickness defects (7mm. in diameter) were created in the calvarium of animals. As a result 2 independant samples from each animal were obtained. First experimental group was the blank defect group, and the second group recieved blank scaffold (Dİ). Third experimental group was treated with water soluble 17β-eustradiol loaded scaffold (WE-Dİ). Fourth group was treated with scaffolds with 17β-eustradiol loaded PLGA nanoparticles (PE-Dİ). Fifth group recieved scaffolds loaded with water soluble 17β-eustradiol and AdMSCs (WE-Dİ-H) and sixth group scaffolds loaded with 17β-eustradiol loaded PLGA nanoparticles and AdMSCs (PE-Dİ-H). Evaluation was performed using macroscopical view, histology and microCT at 4th and 12th week after transplantation to see and compare early and late bone formation. The groups with AdMSCs (WE-Dİ-H and PE-Dİ-H) displayed significantly more bone generation both in early and late periods (p<0,005). There was no significant difference between these two groups in means of early bone formation but sixth group scaffolds loaded with 17β-eustradiol loaded PLGA nanoparticles and AdMSCs (PE-Dİ-H) healed significantly better in long term period (p<0,005). This late term difference is related to the controlled release of 17β-eustradiol from PLGA nanoparticles for a lengthy period. These data strongly supports that 17β-eustradiol stimulates AdMSC on osteogenic differentiation and appears to be a novel agent for cell based bone engineering studies.