Kuruluşundan Bugüne Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi Ana Bilim Dalı Yanık Ünitesinde Yatarak İzlenen Hastalarda Tedavi Etkinliğinin Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi
Studies to aid the epidemiologic results of treatment of burn patients will be required as the number of developed burn units increasing in our Country. Hacettepe University Burn Unit is one of the oldest units in this Country. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the treatment success of hospitalized patients of our burn unit in 33 years. The results of this study will aid to improve the efficacy of our future follow-up and treatment of burned patients. The demographic information, time to hospital admission, referral from another institution, total burn surface area, burn degrees, presence of inhalation injury, presence of additional trauma, co-morbidities, intubation and mechanical ventilation, nutritional support and method, number of operated patients, dissability, rates of morbidity and causes of mortality were recorded by browsing patient records and electronic registry of our hospital. During the 33 years, 2051 patients were hospitalized. 2049 patients included in this sutdy. Sixty-five percent of patients were admitted after initial resuscitation and treatment outside this unit. Mean total burned surface are was 24%. İnhalation injury was diagnosed in 4.1% of patients. Total mortality rate was 19.23%, this rate decreased to 4.77% in recent years. At the last decate, LD50 TBSA% values for age groups 0-14, 15-45, 46-65 and >65 were 70%, 50%, 30% and 20%, respectively. Length of hospital stay/TBSA% ratios vary between 1 and 2. Average LD50 Boux score of the patients were 75-100 and 110-115 in the last 10 years. Type of burn injury, older age, presence of inhalation injury, additional trauma, infection and acute renal failure have been found to be significant variables for mortality. When examined thoroughly, the results of this study reveiled that treatment success has improved significantly over the years. Our aim for the future should be to catch up with the LD50 value of the most developed centers, raise, sustain and continiously update our standarts of patient follow-up and treatment.