Kliniğimizde Yarık Dudak Damak Cerrahisi Sonrasında Anestezi Sonrası Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde Takip Edilen Hastaların Değerlendirilmesi
Cleft lip/palate is one of the most common craniofacial abnormalities seen both worldwide and in our country. It is important for anesthesists to know about the airway management, associated abnormalities and postoperative complications of these patient group. After getting ethical commitee approval this study is conducted between 15/06/2013 – 15/09/2013. Cleft lip/palate patients followed in PACU after surgery between 2005-2013 were included in this study. A total of 20 patients were included. Demographic properties, associated syndromes, diseases and abnormalities, intra and postoperative complications and indications for PACU admission were recorded. We observed that 14 of the patients were male. 10 patients had isolated cleft palate and rest of the patients had cleft lip and palate together. 10 of the patients were diagnosed with a syndrome. Most commonly seen syndrome was Pierre-Robin. 16 of the patients had micrognatia as an associated abnormality. Second most common associated abnormality was ASD. Difficult intubation was seen in 8 of the patients. Diffucult mask ventilation was seen in 1 of the patients who also had micrognatia and encephalocele. Operation time was longer than 150 minutes in 4 patients. 1 of these patients was presented with intraoperative fever and delayed awakening; postoperative tachycardia and reintubation need was seen on the other one. 4 patients stayed longer than 24 hours in the ICU. 2 of these patients had desaturation episodes and pneumonia was seen in one of these patients whereas the other one developed postoperative fever. In conclusion, we obtained similar data with the literature.