Browsing Kanser Enstitüsü Tez Koleksiyonu by Rights "info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
3 Boyutlu Baskı Teknolojisi Kullanılarak Hastaya Özgün Konturlarla Oluşturulan Fantom Tasarımı ve Üretimi ile Mikro-Çok Yapraklı Kolimatör Tabanlı Beyin ve Başboyun Yoğunluk Ayarlı Radyoterapi Planlarının Kalite Kontrolü
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2017)SUNEL, S. Quality control of micro-multileaf collimator based brain and head-and-neck intensity modulated radiotherapy plans with patient-specific phantom design and production using 3D printing technology. Hacettepe ... -
Akciğer Kanserlerinde Stereotaktik Ablatif Beden Radyoterapisinin Toksisite ve Doz - Yanıt İlişkisinin Matematiksel Model ile Görüntü ve Dozimetrik Analizi
(Kanser Enstitüsü, 2017-02-17)In conventional radiotherapy applications, clinicians and physicist rely upon mathematical dose - response models for applied doses to tumor and periphery healthy tissues. However in stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy ... -
Cxcl Kemokı̇n ÖncüL Dı̇zelerı̇nden Türevlenen Küçük Peptı̇t MoleküLlerı̇nin İmmün Düzenleyı̇cı̇ Etkı̇sinin Değerlendirmesı̇
(Kanser Enstitüsü, 2019-03-12)Peptide structured small molecules function in the regulation of a variety of physiological processes and intercellular communication. In this study, precursor sequences of known 17 CXCL chemokine molecules were analyzed ... -
Cyberknife® X-Sight® Vertebra Takip Sisteminin Vertebra Dışı Lezyonlarda Uygulanabilirliğinin Araştırılması
(Kanser Enstitüsü, 2017-03-25)One of devices which uses the ablative dose for the Stereotactik body radiation theraphy (SBRT) is CyberKnife® Stereotactic Radiosurgery System. This device, has different tracking system from other devices. This systems ... -
Çinko Katkılanmış Hidroksiapatit Nanoparçacıklarının Kanser Hücrelerinin Radyoduyarlılığına Etkisi
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019-04-09)Yedekçi, F.Y., Effect Of Zinc Doped Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles On Radiosensitivity Of Cancer Cells, Hacettepe University, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Radiation Therapy Physics, Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Ankara, ... -
Effect of Calcıum Carbonate Encapsulatıon on the Oral Actıvıty of Cpg Olıgodeoxynucleotıdes and Assessment of the Response of Human Monocytes to Tlr Lıgands
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018-03)Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands modulate immune responses and have been used in immunotherapy. Clinical trials designed to evaluate the utility of CpG ODN, a synthetic TLR9 ligand, relied on parenteral routes of administration. ... -
Evaluation of T Cell Responses In The Co-Cultures Establıshed Wıth Neutrophıls, Monocytes, and Lung Adenocarcınoma Cells
(Kanser Enstitüsü, 2019)CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are critical mediators in anti-tumor immunity. Together with neutrophils, they have been shown to dominate the immune landscape of the non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). A number of studies have ... -
Gastrointestinal Sistem Kanserli Hastalarda Mide Doluluğunun Radyoterapiye Etkisi
(Kanser Enstitüsü, 2017)In the treatment of gastrointestinal system (GIS) cancers, radiotherapy (RT) is frequently applied as three dimensional conformal RT (3BKRT) or intensity adjusted RT (YART). GIS tumors are very sensitive to environmental ... -
Genişletilmiş Bilgisayarlı Tomografi Skalası Ve Metal Artefakt Azalımı Yöntemlerinin İmplantlı Hastalarda Doz Dağılımına Etkisinin Bireyselleştirilmiş Fantomlar Kullanılarak Analiz Edilmesi
(Kanser Enstitüsü, 2019-09)Analysis of The Effects of Extended Computed Tomography Scale and Metal Artefact Reduction Methods on Dose Distribution of Patient with Implant by Using Individualized Fantoms. Hacettepe University Graduated School of ... -
Helikal Tomoterapi ile Prostat Işınlamalarında Kritik Organ Dozlarının Cihaz İçi Parametrelere göre Değerlendirilmesi
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2017)The treatment planning of Tomotherapy depends on three device parameters, i.e. field width (FW), pitch (P) and modulation factor (MF). Various treatment plans can be generated with different combinations of these parameters. ... -
Inhibition of Serum and Glucocortıcoıd Inducible Kinase 1 (Sgk1) in Triple Negative Breast Cancer
(Kanser Enstitüsü, 2018-07-18)Glucocorticoid receptor overexpression leads to poor prognosis in breast cancer, particularly in triple negative phenotype. This poor prognosis has been shown to be due to the activation of SGK1 (serum and glucocorticoid ... -
Mikrotübül İnhibitörlerinin Kanser Hücrelerinde Tehlike-İlişkili Moleküler Desen Düzeylerine Etkisinin Araştırılması
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020)Cancer cells are proliferate rapidly and uncontrolled. Chemotherapeutics such as vinorelbine and colchicine affect the cell cycle and DNA synthesis mechanism; they causes cells to be kept in the G2 / M phase by preventing ... -
Vulva Kanserinde Elektron-YART Hibrit Tedavi Modalitesinin Tedavi Planlama Sistemi ve Dozimetrik Yöntemlerle İncelenmesi
(Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2017-02-20)In recent years, in the treatment of vulvar cancer, intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) have been used instead of 3 dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT). In this thesis study, 7 patients who were diagnosed ...