Basit öğe kaydını göster

dc.contributor.advisorİmer, Itır
dc.contributor.authorYankey, Ignatius Kobbina
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dc.description.abstractThis thesis investigates the water relations between Ghana and Burkina Faso over the Volta Basin River from the Hydropolitical point of view. Water, an essential resource, is scarce. Ensuring water security is critical in socioeconomic development and the transformational agenda of every economy. The Volta River Basin States exploit the basin’s water resources to develop and sustain their economies. But there are “conflicting claims for a limited quantity and quality of water” between the two main riparian countries Ghana and Burkina Faso. To dichotomize this, Burkina Faso requires water for irrigation and Ghana needs water for hydropower generation, respectively, their key interest is to keep the water flowing. Through a qualitative research approach, this thesis looks at key issues and questions structured around the use of the basin, its historical development, the legal and institutional framework, population growth, economic and hydraulic developments. IR theory, thus, realism and liberalism, and the international doctrines and principles of shared water resources were applied. The study found that the historical role of water in national development, the colonial presence, hydraulic mission, cultural and sociopolitical needs, led to the development of the Hydropolitical relationship between both states. The governance of the basin has been on a need basis and has so far ensured the peaceful use of the resource. In water scarcity situation dispute becomes possible but in water abundance, there is cooperation. Also, it was found that population growth, economic and hydraulic developments combined with urbanization has affected water demand and has generated environmental concerns. The study concludes that, although there is a legal and institutional framework, there is a lack of commitment and inadequate financial resources that hinder long-term planning. To prevent possible future water-related conflicts, alternative energy sources should be developed and adequate attention should be given to wastewater management and groundwater development and management.tr_TR
dc.description.sponsorshipİbni Haldun Sosyal Bilimler Burs Programı-Yurtdışı Türkler ve Akraba Topluluklar Başkanlığıtr_TR
dc.description.tableofcontentsTABLE OF CONTENTS ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL..................................................................................i DECLARATION...................................................................................................................ii YAYIMLAMA VE FİKRİ MÜLKİYET HAKLARI BEYANI................. ...................................iii ETİK BEYAN.......................................................................................................................iv DEDICATON……………………………………………………………………………………….v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………… ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................vii ÖZET………………………………………………………………………………….................viii TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………….....ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS…...........................................................................................xiii LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES………………………………………….………………....xiv INTRODUCTION……….………………………………………...……………………….……....1 CHAPTER 1: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK, LITERATURE REVIEW, THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND TRANSBOUNDARY WATER GOVERNANCE……………………………….…………………………………………………...9 1.1. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK…………….................................................…………...9 1.2.1. The Scarcity of Water Resources…...........................…………………………………10 1.2.2. Water as a means of Conflict…………............................…………………….………..12 1.2.3. Water as a Means of Cooperation……...........................…………….…….………….14 1.2.4. Coexistence of Conflict and Cooperation over Water…..........................……………16 1.2.5. Water Resource and Governance…………………………….....................................18 1.3. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK.……………………………..........................................19 1.3.1. REALISM…………………………............................……………………………………20 Structural Realism ……………………………………………….………………..........21 Realism and Neorealism on Water Resources…………..…...................................21 1.3.2. LIBERALISM AND NEOLIBERALISM……………………….............………..............23 Neo-Liberal Institutionalism………………………………….................................... 25 Liberalists and Neoliberalist on Water Resources……………................................ 27 1.4. DOCTRINES, PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF SHARED WATER RESOURCES…………………………………………………………………...................28 1.4.1. The Community of Interest…………………..............................................................29 1.4.2. The Prior Appropriation (Prior Use) .......................................………………………..29 1.4.3. The Limited Territorial Sovereignty …………........................………………………...30 1.4.4. The Obligation not to Cause a Significant Damage or Harm....................................30 1.4.5. Principles of Notification, Consultation and Negotiation……....................................30 1.4.6. The Principle of Equitable and Reasonable Utilization……......................................31 1.4.7. Peaceful Settlement of Disputes…………………………….......................................31 CHAPTER 2: BRIEF OVERVIEW OF GHANA AND BURKINA FASO SOCIOPOLITICAL STRUCTURE AND THE DESCRIPTION OF THE VOLTA BASIN 2.1. THE SOCIO-POLITICAL STRUCTURE OF GHANA AND BURKINA FASO…….......32 2.1.1. Ghana’s Political Structure………....................................…………………...….…..32 2.1.2. Ghana’s Demographical Structure…………...........................................................33 2.1.3. Ghana’s Economic Structure……...……………......................................................33 2.1.4. Burkina Faso’s Political Structure…………...…………............................................34 2.1.5. Burkina Faso’s Demographic Structure……………....................................….........35 2.1.6. Burkina Faso’s Economic Structure…………………...............................................35 2.2. OVERVIEW OF THE VOLTA BASIN……………………………..............................36 2.2.1. Bio-Physical Characteristics………………..……...................................................36 2.2.2. Hydrology…………………………….......................................................................37 The Oti River …………………………………..……........................................37 The Lower Volta…………………………………..……………………………...37 The Black Volta……………..........................………...………………………..37 The White Volta River……....................…………………...…………………..37 2.2.3. Climatic Conditions……………………………………..............................................38 2.2.4. Rainfall…………………………………………....................……………………….…38 2.2.5. Fishing and Livestock Rearing………………...…………........................................40 CHAPTER 3: GHANA’S WATER RELATIONS WITH BURKINA FASO: HYDROPOLITICAL STAND POINT…………...................................................................42 3.1. FINDINGS.....................................…………………………..........................................42 3.1.1. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSBOUNDARY RELATIONS BETWEEN GHANA-BURKINA FASO….........................................................................…….…42 The Pre-Colonial Era; Water Use, Conflict and Cooperation………………...…42 The Colonial Era—The Creation of Ghana and Burkina Faso (Britain vs. France Influence); Water Use, Conflict and Cooperation….........……….…....43 The End of Colonial Influence (Post-Colonialism); Water Use, Conflict and Cooperation.......................................................................................................44 3.1.2. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK AND THE CREATION OF THE VBA...............................................................……………45 Ghana and Burkina Faso: National Water Resources Management……………..45 Conflicts and Cooperative Efforts: Transboundary Relations............................…46 The Role of Regional and International Organisations………………….………….47 The Volta Basin Authority…………………………………………….………...………49 Transboundary Level: The Code of Conducts……….......................………………50 International Doctrines, Principles and Practices Relating to the use of the Basin..50 Challenges of the Existing Legal Framework concerning the Basin……………….51 3.1.3. WATER SITUATION IN GHANA AND BURKINA FASO…..……………..…………..52XI Water Situation in Ghana ………………………………………………………………52 The Water Situation in Burkina Faso…………………………………………….……53 Water Quality and Quantity in the Basin…………………………….……….………..55 The General Water Scarcity, Security in the Basin………………………….……….56 3.1.4. POPULATION, ECONOMIC AND HYDRAULIC DEVELOPMENT….............….57 Population Growth and Economic Development…………………………………57 Hydraulic Development…………………………..…………………………………58 CHAPTER 4: ANALYSIS, DISCUSSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS....................................60 4.1. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS.…………………………………………………………60 4.1.1. Research Question 1: ……………………………………………………………………60 4.1.2. Research Question 2: …………………………………………………….……………..64 4.1.3. Research Question 3: ………………………………………………....…..…………….67 4.1.4. Research Question 4: …………………………………………………………..……….69 4.2. IMPLICATIONS…………...…………………………….………………………….........…71 4.2.1. Theoretical Implications of Ghana’s Water Relations with Burkina Faso.…….…....71 4.2.2. The Practical Sense Implications ………………………………………….…………….74 CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………………………78 BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………….………………………..………………………………….83tr_TR
dc.publisherSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsütr_TR
dc.subjectCoexistence of Conflict and Cooperation
dc.subjectVolta River Basin
dc.subjectGhana and Burkina Faso
dc.titleGhana’s Water Relations With Burkina Faso: Hydropolitical Standpointtr_en
dc.description.ozetBu tez, Gana ve Burkina Faso arasındaki Volta Nehri Havzası üzerindeki su ilişkilerini hidropolitik açıdan incelemektedir. Temel bir kaynak olan su kıt bir kaynaktır. Su güvenliğinin sağlanması sosyoekonomik gelişimde ve her ekonominin dönüşümsel gündeminde kritik öneme sahiptir. Volta Nehri Havzası Devletleri, ekonomilerini geliştirmek ve sürdürülebilirliği sağlamak için havzanın su kaynaklarını kendi çıkarlarına yönelik kullanmaktadır. Fakat iki ana kıyıdaş ülke Gana ve Burkina Faso arasında “sınırlı miktardaki ve düşük kalitedeki su için çakışan talepler’’ söz konusudur. Bunu iki gruba ayırmak gerekirse, Burkina Faso suya sulama için ihtiyaç duymakta, Gana ise hidroelektrik üretimi için ihtiyaç duymaktadır, asıl meseleleri suyun akmaya devam etmesini sağlamaktır. Nitel bir araştırma yaklaşımı ile bu tez havzanın kullanımı, tarihsel gelişimi, yasal ve kurumsal çerçevesi, nüfus artışı, ekonomik ve hidrolik gelişmeler çevresinde şekillenen temel konuları ve sorunları göz önünde bulundurmaktadır. Uluslararası İlişkiler teorisi, yani, realizm ve liberalizm ve ortak su kaynaklarına yönelik uluslararası doktrinler ve ilkeler uygulanmıştır. Bu çalışma, suyun milli kalkınmadaki tarihsel rolü, sömürge varlığı, hidrolik misyon, kültürel ve sosyopolitik ihtiyaçların her iki devlet arasında hidropolitik bir ilişkinin gelişmesine yol açtığını ortaya koymaktadır. Havza yönetimi ihtiyaç temelinde oluşturulmuş ve şu ana kadar kaynağın barışçıl kullanımını sağlamıştır. Su kıtlığı durumunda anlaşmazlıklar muhtemel, ancak su bolluğunda ise işbirliği vardır. Ayrıca, nüfus artışı, kentleşmeyle beraber ekonomik ve hidrolik gelişmelerin su talebini etkilediği ve çevresel kaygılar doğurduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çalışma şu sonuca ulaşmıştır; yasal ve kurumsal bir çerçeve mevcut olmasına rağmen, uzun vadeli planlamayı engelleyen bir taahhüt eksikliği ve mali kaynakların yetersizliği söz konuşur. Suya ilişkin gelecekteki olası çatışmaları önlemek amacıyla, alternatif enerji kaynakları geliştirilmeli ve atık su yönetimi ile yeraltı suyunun geliştirilmesi ve yönetimi için gereken dikkat gösterilmelidir.tr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentUluslararası İlişkilertr_TR
dc.embargo.termsAcik erisimtr_TR

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