Babacan Liderlik - Örgütsel Sinizm İlişkisinde Yıldırma Değişkeninin Aracı, Bireycilik-Toplulukçuluk Değişkeninin Düzenleyici Rolü
The purpose of this study is to examine the moderating effect of individualism-collectivism and the mediating effect of mobbing on the relationship between paternalistic leadership and organizational cynicism. It was investigated in the case of paternalistic leadership practices, if there is a significant difference between perceptions of mobbing whether the employees are individualist or collectivist and the mediating effect of mobbing on the relationship between managers' paternalistic leadership practices and organizational cynicism.
With this purpose; paternalistic leadership which is our independent variable, mobbing which is our mediating variable and organizational cynicism which is our dependent variable were considered in single dimension. Individualism-collectivism which is the moderator was considered in two dimension such as individualism and collectivism.
The research was carried out in Ankara Polatlı Organized Industrial Zone with the participation of 333 participants in the field of security and production. With the use of AMOS program, it has been found that collectivism has a moderator effect on the relationship between paternalistic leadership and mobbing. In the study, it has been found that employees with high collectivist characteristics; perceived less mobbing as they perceive their leader as paternalistic (The findings revealed that in high collectivist individuals, the perception of mobbing decreased when the perception of paternalistic leadership increased).
Although the same effect was expected for individualism and the regression model was significant; it was found that individualism did not have a moderator effect on the relationship between paternalistic leadership and mobbing.
With the mediation question that we investigate in the study; it was determined that the mobbing variable has a partial mediation role between paternalistic leadership and organizational cynicism.