Rus Bılinaları ve Türk Kültür Ekolojisi
The Russians, starting to appear as Knezship (princedom, feudality) in 9’th century in
northern steppe of Black Sea, completed their political unity, nationhood, and political
experience, bureaucracy and military structure under the influence of and contributed by
the Turk-Tatar groups who were dominated by the Russians for some centruies.
In this time period, Turk-Tatar groups had also enormous amount of impact on the
Russian culture. The impact of the Turkish culture on Russian folk literature is clearly
seen. Majority of the “bılina” wich is the one of the most important types of the Russian
folk literature as heroic epics discusses battles against Litvas and Turk-Tatar groups, the
biggest enemy of the Russian homeland and the Christianity.
The Rusiian hoemland had always been threatened by Litvas in the west and Turk-Tatar
in the east. The mighty Russian bogatırs (heroes) defended the homeland and the
Christianity against these enemiens and did not let them take over these. Bilinas
represents the hope for the ideal and future while handing on the Russian past and
cultural memory.
In bılinas which is one of the most important Russian folk literature types as traditional
oral culture, it is seen that language elements of the Turkish culture made very
important contributions such as motive, subject, and character. The burden of bılina
which is narrated by Kâhin Boyan can only be carried by Turkish “bogatır” (hero).
The Russians completed their political union and statehood while governing Turkish
groups. The relation and interaction between Turk-Tatar groups and the Russians in
every aspect of life continued with increasing haste. At first, whereas the interaction
was partly towards from the Turkish culture to the Russian culture, in later stages vice
versa started with the Russian domination of Siberia, Caucasia, and the Middle Asia.
While these interactions contributed to the both side as cultural affluence, there might
have been some negative sides. In modern times, nations worry about defending their
national identities against foreign cultures, and they aim to introduce their culture to
other nations.
There are many similar elements between the Turkish culture and Russian culture which
is comparatively a younger cultural center.