• Toplumsal cinsiyet Rolleri üzerinden Aile ve Günümüz Sanatına Yansımaları 

      Usta, Kübra (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2018)
      USTA, Kübra. Family on the basis of gender roles and its reflections to today’s art, Report of Master’s Degree Art Work, Ankara, 2018 The concept of gender states that sex is in a socail relation network. While the ...
    • Transhümanizm Kavramı İçerisinde Değişen Beden Fikri ve Sanatta Yeri 

      Korkmaz, Bilgehan (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2024-02-20)
      This Master of Arts Thesis Report focuses on the reflection of changing body perception with the concept of Transhumanism in contemporary art. Throughout history, human beings have produced various thoughts through their ...
    • Türkiye’de Soylulaştırma Sürecinde Yıkılan Belleğin Sanat Eseri Üzerinden İnşası 

      Ellialtıoğlu, Ecevit Emre (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2021)
      In this study of art report of master degree, it is aimed to examine the effects of the gentrification process in Turkey by which the city has changed, and the social memory has disappeared. Thus, its effect on art and ...
    • Unutma ve Hatırlama Bağlamında Çağdaş Sanatta Bellek İçerikli Yaklaşımlar 

      Kaya, Nurcan (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2021-08-23)
      MEMORY RELATED APPROACHES IN CONTEMPORARY ART IN THE CONTEXT OF FORGETTING AND REMEMBERING Supervisor: Prof. Ayşe Sibel KEDİK Author: Nurcan KAYA ABSTRACT From past to the present the existence of forgetting and ...
    • Video Enstalasyon: Mekan ve Görüntü Yüzeyleri 

      Ulusoy, Erinç (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2022-06-27)
      With this study called “Video Installation: Space and Image Surfaces”, it is aimed to examine technical and contextual content of the studies developed on nourishing from the space and alienating and imitating it. In ...
    • Video Performans Alanında Bedenin Kullanımı 

      Gürsel, Candan Simay (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2021)
      Within the scope of the report titled "The Use of the Body in the Field of Video Performance", the relationship between "Performance" and "Video Performance" was examined based on the concept of body. It has been tried to ...
    • Yaşamda Yerinden Edilen Nesnenin Sanattaki Yeni Yeri 

      Hilal, Görmez (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017-07)
      Görmez, Hilal. “The New Place of Object’s Art Routed Out in Life. MA Artwork Report, Ankara, 2017. İn daily life, tendency of old objects is likened to desiring that high discourse has. As long as the ...