Görüntü ve Gerçeğin Yeniden Boyutlandırılması
Throughout the history of humanity, humankind’s relation with “reality”, its questions, curiosities, influences developed its ability to practice science, philosophy and art, and enhanced its thought system. Researchs in the field of art resulted in the development of a new perception of reality. In this process, the idea re-dimensioned, abstracted and concretized.
In the nineteenth century, there was a process of reaching a totally abstracted reality and object image in the artistic expression environment, which was diversified in the light of scientific, philosophical and social developments, which gained a different dimension with the discovery of optical vision.
In our age, when we investigate tools of capturing reality; photographs, films and videos in an artistic work environment; video stands out with its suitability for abstraction and experimentation. The fact that video is a flexible medium that can be processed and modeled with infinite form, allows it to be transformed and redimensioned like a plastic material, as the final stage of abstracting and re-concretizing reality.
Besides, video uses visual language related aspects of cinema; featuring properties such as optics, camera use, editing, sound, lighting, time and space re-creation have a role in creating a new reality. Therefore, with the act of restructuring reality, video art develops in a structure with painting, sculpture, photography, cinema and comes to life in a wide frame.
Within the scope of the personal practices in this thesis, recorded image without being modified in the digital or electronic plane, the results that can be obtained are inspected on the basis of the personal perceptions and associations against the reality with the "gaze", namely with the lens which is closest tool of the perception of "eye", which is the most basic element of photograph, cinema, and plastic arts and the new reality situations which is loaded to the vision are revealed.