Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Environmental Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. Cemal Saydam
August 2018, 153 pages
This thesis study is designed to test whether the natural events can be simulated following the accumulation of sufficient knowledge about the natural cycles.
During the course of the process of desert dust transportation desert dust can mix with cloud water and the resulting dust cloud and solar light intensity triggers the proliferation of bacteria and fungus due to enrichment of nutrients within the cloud droplet. This process not only supply necessary nourishments but also results with all sorts of essential amino acids within the cloud droplet. Following the wet precipitation, the receiving body responds positively but the science community still does not aware of this affect and seeks solutions at somewhere else. On the other hand, this work has been designed as to test the impact of the in cloud generated ingredients on various receiving bodies. The studies performed has shown that so called ideal growth solutions does not necessarily achieves ideal growth since experiments performed by 10g/l Saharan desert dust solutions resulted with better growth.
The development of algae in an ideal growth solution has been achieved both in quantity and in shorter time. For Arthrospira platensis 46% more chlorophyll levels has been reached in 5 days as opposed to 7 days with ideal growth solutions. The experiments repeated with enhanced sulfate levels basing on the fact that desert dust solar light interactions enhances sulfate concentrations within rain droplet. It has been shown that with this approach Arthrospira platensis concentrations has been increased by an additional 56% within 4 days. Similar growth parameters have also been observed for Chlorella vulgaris and Scendenesmus species. The experiments carried out by using Lemna minör, typical occupants of still waters responded positively to Saharan dust by delaying the decay of leaves by 3 days as opposed to the ones grown in normal pond water. The rate of leaf decay is 1.2 for Saharan solution as opposed to 2.2 for the one grown in pond water. The results show that chlorophyll cells last longer converts more solar light energy thus sequester more carbon. Experiments carried out by Aydan Hanım genotype barley resulted with the increase of nitrogen content from literature value of 1.2% to 2,3% with 10g/l Saharan solution, a mere 100% increase. Another iconoclastic result was to show the fact that eutrophication that is believed and assumed to be due to phosphate effluents from household waste waters is in fact due to sulfates. In conclusion it has been shown experimentally that desert dust cloud interactions and the ingredients formed within the cloud waters has got a positive impact on the receiving bodies.
This is a unique study that experimentally shows that it’s possible to make fertilizer from air and with such system it’s possible to store more energy due to increase in chlorophyll activities.
Keywords: Dust, cloud, algae, Lemna minor, barley, chlorophyll
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