Çocuk Evleri Sitesinde Kalan Ergenlerin Psiko-Sosyal Sorunları İle Öfke ve Saldırganlık Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki
ERVÜZ, Cezmi. The Relationship Between Aggression and Anger Levels and Psycho-social Problems of Adolescents Staying in Child Homes, Hacettepe University, Department of Social Work, Master’s Thesis, Ankara, 2018.
The aim of this research is to determine the socio-demographic characteristics, ages, education levels, duration of protection and care of adolescents aged 13-18 in Child Homes Building Complex and to determine whether there is a relationship between these levels and aggression and anger levels. In this context, studies were carried out with adolescents in Istanbul and Gaziantep and their opinions on aggression and anger levels were tried to be conveyed.
In this study quantitative research design was used, Trait Anger (T Anger) and Anger Expression Scales (AngerEX), Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) and socio-demographic information form were applied to 200 adolescents between 13-18 years in order to analyze the quantitative data obtained from these scales and assess the relationship between aggression and anger levels of adolescents.
As a result of the research, it was determined that the adolescents in the sample group had a meaningful relationship between their parents' survival, their relationship with their friends, their sibling numbers, educational status, aggression and anger levels (p <0,05). Besides it was seen that the social activities organized by the organization contributed to a significant decrease in the anger levels of the adolescents. Significant differences also appeared in the way that the adolescents reflected the traits and levels of aggression and anger. In addition, another result obtained from the research is that social services are not working in a multidisciplinary manner with children and children do not share the anger situations with social services.