Studies that focus on the adaptation of international students to new socio-cultural environments have continued to increase as the global number of international students is also increasing. A huge number of these studies have mainly been done in the United States and Eastern European countries. However, due to increased demand in education, other countries in Asia and Europe have also received a huge number of international students in the recent past. Despite an increased focus on international students, there are fewer studies that have highlighted the adaptation of African students, especially of African origin. The present study aims at understanding the adaptation of African students enrolled in Turkey’s institutions of higher learning in Ankara. In order to the answer the research questions, this study uses a qualitative approach and interviews. Berry’s acculturation theory forms the basis of our theoretical framework. Berry’s acculturation theory and Hofstede’s dimensions of national culture provides the literature on various types of adaptation as well as outcomes of cultural interactions that are important in this study.
İn this study, cultural difference, language barrier, and religious differences are some of the main themes. The main finding is that language barrier is the main challenge in adaptation among all African students. İn addition, the main challenges African students encounter are more social and cultural but not economic.
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