Kant ve Wittgenstein Felsefelerinde Sınır Çizme Sorunu
Until Copernic came up with the idea that "the Earth is also a planet, it is not fixed, and the Sun is constant", many researchers claimed the opposite. They thought that the Earth was fixed and that all the planets, including the Sun, were spinning around the earth. In the same context, this new doctrine, which Kant calls "Transcendental Philosophy", not only brings the metaphysics to a solid level, but brings it to the level of science, presenting a model design for metaphysics, invalidating traditional metaphysics. He nor only overrode conventional metaphysics but also offered a model design to do metaphysics. Certainly, this new Copernicus design is not that our cognition structure conforms to the object, but it conforms to the cognition structure of the object. In the context of the object, Kant's distinction between "Noumenen" and "Phenomenon" shows what we know and how we know our way. On the other hand, Wittgenstein, who connects many philosophical views to a fixed point of view of seemingly incomprehensible / unbridgeable debates, ties the reason for this controversy to the misunderstanding of the logic of language. The method presented as "Formal Logic" does not see it as a field to talk on by showing the cross-boundary of the metaphysical while giving the "Activity" task to the philosophy. This time the "border" is between the voiced and unexpressed border and the desired border is done with "Language". Beyond the border is the metaphysics and all the sentences of the metaphysical type. In the light of all this information, Kant investigated how much, what and how the mind knows; Wittgenstein investigated what we can say using the language. On behalf of these investigations, while Kant drew boundaries for our ability to know, Wittgenstein drew a boundary between language and thought. Thus, the importance of drawing a border with two separate areas of action in two separate areas is made for two opposing purposes: to raise metaphysics to the level of science and to exclude metaphysics from the philosophy. As a result, "Criticism" (limit) applied by Kant to the logic of thought is reflected in the language; The "Form" (boundary) that Wittgenstein applies to the language structure is reflected in the thought.